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Welcome to Synerise API Reference! We hope that you'll enjoy your stay here.
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Authenticate as a User.
Note: To perform operations within a Workspace, you must select a Workspace.
username required | string The login (email address) of the user |
password required | string The user's password |
deviceId | string Identifier of user's current device |
externalProviderToken | string |
externalProviderType | string Value: "GOOGLE" |
{- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "externalProviderToken": "string",
- "externalProviderType": "GOOGLE"
{- "consumer": {
- "type": "USER",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "authorities": [
- "string"
], - "roles": "string"
}, - "token": "string"
Authenticate as a User with multi-factor authentication.
Note: To perform operations within a Workspace, you must select a Workspace.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all authenticated users, before and after multi-factor authentication is confirmed.
mfaType required | string Enum: "TOTP_AUTHENTICATOR" "EMAIL" Type of multi-factor authentication |
verificationCode required | string Multi-factor verification code |
deviceId | string |
externalProviderToken | string |
externalProviderType | string Value: "GOOGLE" |
{- "verificationCode": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "externalProviderToken": "string",
- "externalProviderType": "GOOGLE"
{- "consumer": {
- "type": "USER",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "authorities": [
- "string"
], - "roles": "string"
}, - "token": "string"
After logging in as a User, select a Workspace where you want to perform operations.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all fully-authenticated users (multifactor confirmation required, if enabled).
businessProfileUUID required | string <uuid> UUID of the workspace |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "consumer": {
- "type": "USER",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "authorities": [
- "string"
], - "roles": "string"
}, - "token": "string"
Retrieve a list of Workspaces available to the user.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all fully-authenticated users (multifactor confirmation required, if enabled).
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "businessProfileGuid": "string",
- "logo": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subdomain": "string",
- "ipRestricted": true,
- "mfaRequired": true
Retrieve information about the currently selected workspace.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all fully-authenticated users (multifactor confirmation required, if enabled).
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "selected": true,
- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "logo": "string",
- "businessProfileGuid": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subdomain": "string",
- "ipRestriction": "OFF",
- "mfaRestriction": "OFF",
- "labels": [
- "string"
Obtain a new Workspace JWT Token.
apiKey required | string Workspace API key WARNING: Workspace API keys can be used to access all customer data and manage the workspace. They should only be used for server-to-server communication in integrations. DO NOT use workspace API keys in your mobile applications or websites. |
{- "apiKey": "64c09614-1b2a-42f7-804d-f647243eb1ab"
{- "token": "string"
Retrieve a refreshed JWT Token to prolong the session.
The current token must still be active at the time of the request.
API consumers who can use this method: Profile (formerly client), Anonymous profile (formerly client)
This method does not require a Synerise authorization token.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
{- "apiKey": "string"
{- "token": "string",
- "expiration": 1649283173,
- "created": 1649277173668,
- "origin": "SYNERISE",
- "customId": "card123",
- "realm": "client"
Obtain a new JWT for a Profile. If an account for the Profile does not exist and the identityProvider
is different than SYNERISE
, this request creates an account.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
identityProvider required | string Enum: "SYNERISE" "FACEBOOK" "OAUTH" "APPLE" "GOOGLE" "UNKNOWN" The identity provider. |
identityProviderToken | string Third-party authentication token used to authenticate with the Identity Provider. Required if |
string Profile email. Required if | |
customId | any Profile customId. Required if |
password | string Profile password. Required if |
uuid | string Profile UUID. Required if |
deviceId | string Unique Android or iOS device ID |
object This object contains the marketing agreements of the Profile. You can also pass the values as strings ( | |
object This object contains custom attributes that can have any name (except for reserved attributes, see warning below) and data type, as required by your integration. The attribute names can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): String values:
If you want to send a date/time attribute for use in analytics, take the following into account:
WARNING: Some attributes are reserved and cannot be sent. If you send them, they are ignored. Click to expand the list of reserved attributesemail clientId phone customId uuid firstName lastName displayName company address city province zipCode countryCode birthDate sex avatarUrl anonymous agreements tags businessProfileId time ip source newsletter_agreement custom_identify firstname lastname created updated last_activity_date birthdate external_avatar_url displayname receive_smses receive_push_messages receive_webpush_messages receive_btooth_messages receive_rfid_messages receive_wifi_messages confirmation_hash ownerId zipCode anonymous_type country_id geo_loc_city geo_loc_country geo_loc_as geo_loc_country_code geo_loc_isp geo_loc_lat geo_loc_lon geo_loc_org geo_loc_query geo_loc_region geo_loc_region_name geo_loc_status geo_loc_timezone geo_loc_zip club_card_id type confirmed facebookId status
| |
tags | Array of strings Tags can be used to group profiles. Tag names (strings):
{- "apiKey": "string",
- "identityProvider": "SYNERISE",
- "identityProviderToken": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "customId": null,
- "password": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "agreements": {
- "email": false,
- "sms": false,
- "push": false,
- "webPush": false,
- "bluetooth": false,
- "rfid": false,
- "wifi": false
}, - "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tags": [
- "string"
{- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdinvalidwYmZkM2FkNDg2ZjQ3ZGRiMjE5MSIsImF1ZCI6IkFQSSIsInJsbSI6ImFub255bW91c19jbGllbnQiLCJjdGQiOjE1NTMwMDQxNTkxNTEsImVtbCI6IjYyMjM3NmY4LTAwMDAtMjIyMi1kN2Y5LTA3MGZhOTU2ZTk2M0Bhbm9ueW1vdXMuaW52YWxpZCIsImF1dGgiOiJINHNJQUFBQUFBQUFBSXVPQlFBcHUwd05BZ0FBQUE9PSIsImlzcyI6IlN5bmVyaXNlIiwiYnBpIjo0OCwiY2xJZCI6NDMzMjMwMjg4LCJleHAiOjE1NTMwMDcxNTksImFwayI6IjVBRUFBM0Q1LUUxNDctQzdFQi1ENTlFLUJDRjUwMTA5QTNEMSJ9.QOmSqrneR4mJFv4JdxTYsw_wGcDawDsVQuB-GVTcPPwijiP7lQ_Jzqq2Mypg1BS6WFlfGB8fzqCY9iMF_TdtjmoB4xBrY95ylU8L9qto-9Cw5x5TURkfxq31eryiHe2IteRAEtoVzYg2_s9QhlH6ANVcFOVp8dMno0V9bfMYfeSQa3FkjEbxFsseHkMOiADmp9-tOGtLXO942Ir-2W_Hz3Utlpt4erz0dVJBw8a-mFavPA8EEDWR7ACJNocrVHFkS3wFISh3LqLn6KkXiowaynKlJOEHGctuahzKmF3ZOJ1BvGgKohxF9OXvQs9IdmCfWhYsLr5Q2p04TJJ-MyvTipuggKVioh8mHmOFdfnN-Zused6tXzhZtKPUWTmM8cBKoAOBHExxcMQ8SVSjxnw_7_eLKm7S2wNpu0V-tiPZPCH4wYZXtWBYjmfy0V9ydjXnNunXfgxKixLeFNnONUXxEuqPLvM_xAuonQBXVN4nYrgJv8p8U6_ZlGMPjJq1szfcuBZnzI34LSEWx_nSof0XC5Czm8iG_ihG8naivNWS8h-Q-qKMP_3PPFsLSH4Egh03pH93EJUuNAeSO4RGfUX1wzMvrv1nBC1SM660uFMbq-wkplFBbKnHKMYe-qRs1-lZPG5PwPWJJdpGqOUzbnoMOJYmiq06OHHVQyJSkcEHLCk"
Obtain a new JWT for a Profile. This method is designed to be used from a backend server that handles login requests and communicates with Synerise to execute them.
If an account for the Profile does not exist and the identityProvider
is different than SYNERISE
, this request creates an account.
API consumer who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SAUTH_SERVER_LOGIN_CLIENT_CREATE
ipAddress required | string The IP address of the client device that is logging in. |
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
identityProvider required | string Enum: "SYNERISE" "FACEBOOK" "OAUTH" "APPLE" "GOOGLE" "UNKNOWN" The identity provider. |
identityProviderToken | string Third-party authentication token used to authenticate with the Identity Provider. Required if |
string Profile email. Required if | |
customId | any Profile customId. Required if |
password | string Profile password. Required if |
uuid | string Profile UUID. Required if |
deviceId | string Unique Android or iOS device ID |
object This object contains the marketing agreements of the Profile. You can also pass the values as strings ( | |
object This object contains custom attributes that can have any name (except for reserved attributes, see warning below) and data type, as required by your integration. The attribute names can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): String values:
If you want to send a date/time attribute for use in analytics, take the following into account:
WARNING: Some attributes are reserved and cannot be sent. If you send them, they are ignored. Click to expand the list of reserved attributesemail clientId phone customId uuid firstName lastName displayName company address city province zipCode countryCode birthDate sex avatarUrl anonymous agreements tags businessProfileId time ip source newsletter_agreement custom_identify firstname lastname created updated last_activity_date birthdate external_avatar_url displayname receive_smses receive_push_messages receive_webpush_messages receive_btooth_messages receive_rfid_messages receive_wifi_messages confirmation_hash ownerId zipCode anonymous_type country_id geo_loc_city geo_loc_country geo_loc_as geo_loc_country_code geo_loc_isp geo_loc_lat geo_loc_lon geo_loc_org geo_loc_query geo_loc_region geo_loc_region_name geo_loc_status geo_loc_timezone geo_loc_zip club_card_id type confirmed facebookId status
| |
tags | Array of strings Tags can be used to group profiles. Tag names (strings):
{- "ipAddress": "string",
- "apiKey": "string",
- "identityProvider": "SYNERISE",
- "identityProviderToken": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "customId": null,
- "password": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "agreements": {
- "email": false,
- "sms": false,
- "push": false,
- "webPush": false,
- "bluetooth": false,
- "rfid": false,
- "wifi": false
}, - "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tags": [
- "string"
{- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdinvalidwYmZkM2FkNDg2ZjQ3ZGRiMjE5MSIsImF1ZCI6IkFQSSIsInJsbSI6ImFub255bW91c19jbGllbnQiLCJjdGQiOjE1NTMwMDQxNTkxNTEsImVtbCI6IjYyMjM3NmY4LTAwMDAtMjIyMi1kN2Y5LTA3MGZhOTU2ZTk2M0Bhbm9ueW1vdXMuaW52YWxpZCIsImF1dGgiOiJINHNJQUFBQUFBQUFBSXVPQlFBcHUwd05BZ0FBQUE9PSIsImlzcyI6IlN5bmVyaXNlIiwiYnBpIjo0OCwiY2xJZCI6NDMzMjMwMjg4LCJleHAiOjE1NTMwMDcxNTksImFwayI6IjVBRUFBM0Q1LUUxNDctQzdFQi1ENTlFLUJDRjUwMTA5QTNEMSJ9.QOmSqrneR4mJFv4JdxTYsw_wGcDawDsVQuB-GVTcPPwijiP7lQ_Jzqq2Mypg1BS6WFlfGB8fzqCY9iMF_TdtjmoB4xBrY95ylU8L9qto-9Cw5x5TURkfxq31eryiHe2IteRAEtoVzYg2_s9QhlH6ANVcFOVp8dMno0V9bfMYfeSQa3FkjEbxFsseHkMOiADmp9-tOGtLXO942Ir-2W_Hz3Utlpt4erz0dVJBw8a-mFavPA8EEDWR7ACJNocrVHFkS3wFISh3LqLn6KkXiowaynKlJOEHGctuahzKmF3ZOJ1BvGgKohxF9OXvQs9IdmCfWhYsLr5Q2p04TJJ-MyvTipuggKVioh8mHmOFdfnN-Zused6tXzhZtKPUWTmM8cBKoAOBHExxcMQ8SVSjxnw_7_eLKm7S2wNpu0V-tiPZPCH4wYZXtWBYjmfy0V9ydjXnNunXfgxKixLeFNnONUXxEuqPLvM_xAuonQBXVN4nYrgJv8p8U6_ZlGMPjJq1szfcuBZnzI34LSEWx_nSof0XC5Czm8iG_ihG8naivNWS8h-Q-qKMP_3PPFsLSH4Egh03pH93EJUuNAeSO4RGfUX1wzMvrv1nBC1SM660uFMbq-wkplFBbKnHKMYe-qRs1-lZPG5PwPWJJdpGqOUzbnoMOJYmiq06OHHVQyJSkcEHLCk"
Obtain a new JWT token for a Profile.
If the account does not exist, an account is not created.
If any additional conditions are required for logging in, the response is HTTP200 and lists the conditions.
Note that using this endpoint requires authenticating as an anonymous Profile first.
This method does not require a Synerise authorization token.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
identityProvider required | string Enum: "SYNERISE" "FACEBOOK" "OAUTH" "APPLE" "GOOGLE" "UNKNOWN" The identity provider. |
identityProviderToken | string Third-party authentication token used to authenticate with the Identity Provider. Required if |
string Profile email. Required if | |
customId | any Profile customId. Required if |
password | string Profile password. Required if |
uuid | string Profile UUID. Required if |
deviceId | string Unique Android or iOS device ID |
object This object contains the marketing agreements of the Profile. You can also pass the values as strings ( | |
object This object contains custom attributes that can have any name (except for reserved attributes, see warning below) and data type, as required by your integration. The attribute names can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): String values:
If you want to send a date/time attribute for use in analytics, take the following into account:
WARNING: Some attributes are reserved and cannot be sent. If you send them, they are ignored. Click to expand the list of reserved attributesemail clientId phone customId uuid firstName lastName displayName company address city province zipCode countryCode birthDate sex avatarUrl anonymous agreements tags businessProfileId time ip source newsletter_agreement custom_identify firstname lastname created updated last_activity_date birthdate external_avatar_url displayname receive_smses receive_push_messages receive_webpush_messages receive_btooth_messages receive_rfid_messages receive_wifi_messages confirmation_hash ownerId zipCode anonymous_type country_id geo_loc_city geo_loc_country geo_loc_as geo_loc_country_code geo_loc_isp geo_loc_lat geo_loc_lon geo_loc_org geo_loc_query geo_loc_region geo_loc_region_name geo_loc_status geo_loc_timezone geo_loc_zip club_card_id type confirmed facebookId status
| |
tags | Array of strings Tags can be used to group profiles. Tag names (strings):
{- "apiKey": "string",
- "identityProvider": "SYNERISE",
- "identityProviderToken": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "customId": null,
- "password": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "agreements": {
- "email": false,
- "sms": false,
- "push": false,
- "webPush": false,
- "bluetooth": false,
- "rfid": false,
- "wifi": false
}, - "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tags": [
- "string"
{- "conditions": [
- "string"
], - "status": "SUCCESS",
- "token": "string",
- "expiration": 1649283173,
- "created": 1649277173668,
- "origin": "SYNERISE",
- "customId": "card123",
- "realm": "client"
Obtain a new JWT for an anonymous Profile. The token can be used and refreshed in the same way as tokens of registered Profiles.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
uuid required | string UUID of the Profile. It is a unique identifier. The value can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): |
deviceId | string Unique iOS or Android device identifier. |
{- "apiKey": "string",
- "uuid": "07243772-008a-42e1-ba37-c3807cebde8f",
- "deviceId": "string"
{- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdinvalidwYmZkM2FkNDg2ZjQ3ZGRiMjE5MSIsImF1ZCI6IkFQSSIsInJsbSI6ImFub255bW91c19jbGllbnQiLCJjdGQiOjE1NTMwMDQxNTkxNTEsImVtbCI6IjYyMjM3NmY4LTAwMDAtMjIyMi1kN2Y5LTA3MGZhOTU2ZTk2M0Bhbm9ueW1vdXMuaW52YWxpZCIsImF1dGgiOiJINHNJQUFBQUFBQUFBSXVPQlFBcHUwd05BZ0FBQUE9PSIsImlzcyI6IlN5bmVyaXNlIiwiYnBpIjo0OCwiY2xJZCI6NDMzMjMwMjg4LCJleHAiOjE1NTMwMDcxNTksImFwayI6IjVBRUFBM0Q1LUUxNDctQzdFQi1ENTlFLUJDRjUwMTA5QTNEMSJ9.QOmSqrneR4mJFv4JdxTYsw_wGcDawDsVQuB-GVTcPPwijiP7lQ_Jzqq2Mypg1BS6WFlfGB8fzqCY9iMF_TdtjmoB4xBrY95ylU8L9qto-9Cw5x5TURkfxq31eryiHe2IteRAEtoVzYg2_s9QhlH6ANVcFOVp8dMno0V9bfMYfeSQa3FkjEbxFsseHkMOiADmp9-tOGtLXO942Ir-2W_Hz3Utlpt4erz0dVJBw8a-mFavPA8EEDWR7ACJNocrVHFkS3wFISh3LqLn6KkXiowaynKlJOEHGctuahzKmF3ZOJ1BvGgKohxF9OXvQs9IdmCfWhYsLr5Q2p04TJJ-MyvTipuggKVioh8mHmOFdfnN-Zused6tXzhZtKPUWTmM8cBKoAOBHExxcMQ8SVSjxnw_7_eLKm7S2wNpu0V-tiPZPCH4wYZXtWBYjmfy0V9ydjXnNunXfgxKixLeFNnONUXxEuqPLvM_xAuonQBXVN4nYrgJv8p8U6_ZlGMPjJq1szfcuBZnzI34LSEWx_nSof0XC5Czm8iG_ihG8naivNWS8h-Q-qKMP_3PPFsLSH4Egh03pH93EJUuNAeSO4RGfUX1wzMvrv1nBC1SM660uFMbq-wkplFBbKnHKMYe-qRs1-lZPG5PwPWJJdpGqOUzbnoMOJYmiq06OHHVQyJSkcEHLCk"
When this method is called, the Synerise backend finds all screen view campaigns applicable to the JWT context and returns the screen view with the highest priority (1). Inserts are processed. If an insert can't be processed, the returned data
is empty.
IMPORTANT: When the request's context is a Workspace or Synerise User JWT, only screen views with the audience set to ALL
("Everyone" in the Synerise Web Application) can be generated.
If the feed doesn't contain any screen views whose audience matches the JWT context of the request, the response is error 404.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User, Profile (formerly client), Anonymous profile (formerly client)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
feedSlug required | string Slug of the screen view feed |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "hash": "19686d84-b10d-4f90-b18e-84fd3fa038fd",
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "data": {
- "collection": [
- {
- "uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f",
- "slug": "basket",
- "schema": "containers",
- "content": {
- "someBoolean": true,
- "someString": "Lorem ipsum",
- "aNestedDocument": {
- "uuid": "772d94f7-a604-409a-bfa9-24a64b8a5051",
- "slug": "apple",
- "schema": "fruit",
- "content": {
- "color": "red"
], - "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "path": "/v2/screen-views/f9215cb9-4a7e-410b-88cb-8bc40363cc10"
When this method is called, the Synerise backend finds all screen view campaigns applicable to the JWT context and returns the screen view with the highest priority (1). Inserts are processed. If an insert can't be processed, the returned data
is empty.
IMPORTANT: When the request's context is a Workspace or Synerise User JWT, only screen views with the audience set to ALL
("Everyone" in the Synerise Web Application) can be generated.
If the feed doesn't contain any screen views whose audience matches the JWT context of the request, the response is error 404.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User, Profile (formerly client), Anonymous profile (formerly client)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
feedSlug required | string Slug of the screen view feed |
additional property | string or number If you are generating the resource with a context that doesn't have the data for inserts in the resource (for example, a document has a Usage example: if the Because inserts are always encapsulated with quotation marks, inserts that return a number or a boolean value return it as a string. |
{- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "hash": "19686d84-b10d-4f90-b18e-84fd3fa038fd",
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "data": {
- "collection": [
- {
- "uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f",
- "slug": "basket",
- "schema": "containers",
- "content": {
- "someBoolean": true,
- "someString": "Lorem ipsum",
- "aNestedDocument": {
- "uuid": "772d94f7-a604-409a-bfa9-24a64b8a5051",
- "slug": "apple",
- "schema": "fruit",
- "content": {
- "color": "red"
], - "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "path": "/v2/screen-views/f9215cb9-4a7e-410b-88cb-8bc40363cc10"
Create a screen view.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
priority required | integer Default: 99 Priority determines which screen view to show to a customer if their profile matches the conditions of more than one screen view. |
name | string Name of the screen view |
directoryId required | string <uuid> Unique ID of the directory which contains this analysis. A 'default' directory is automatically created in every workspace. |
required | object (With document groups) Content of the screen view |
required | object The profiles (clients) which have access to this resource |
object Configuration of the schedule | |
feedId required | string <uuid> UUID of the feed where this screen view is assigned. |
{- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "directoryId": "786c2ec1-fb9a-4593-b705-005b34c18c18",
- "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "schedule": {
- "enabled": true,
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "endType": "NEVER",
- "parts": [
- {
- "startDay": 1,
- "startTime": "08:18:03",
- "endDay": 1,
- "endTime": "44283"
], - "periodType": "ENTIRE",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "startType": "NOW",
- "timezone": "Europe/Warsaw"
}, - "feedId": "30c3a808-1315-453b-94cf-0ccb129b558b"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Create a screen view. It is created as a blank, without any conditions.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
name | string If no name is provided, defaults to "Unnamed document" or Screen View Campaign" (depending on what you are initializing). |
directory | string <uuid> If no directory is provided, the default directory is used. |
{- "name": "string",
- "directory": "5277859d-f92c-478c-acab-7680a97fea68"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Add content to a screen view. This overwrites any existing content.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
required | object JSON structure of the screen view. By default, a newly created screen view has the following
The If this insert is not used, you must manually insert each document with |
documents required | Array of strings An array of documents. If |
groups required | Array of strings <uuid> An array of document groups, If |
groupsOrder | boolean Default: false By default, group are ordered for display by their priority. When this field is set to |
{- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Define the audience for a screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
targetType required | string Enum: "SEGMENT" "QUERY" "ALL" The method of defining the audience:
segments | Array of strings An array of segmentation IDs. Used with |
query | string Stringified |
{- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Update priority in a screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
Priority determines which screen view to show to a customer if their profile matches the conditions of more than one screen view. 1
is the highest priority.
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Update the name of a screen view. You can update the names of active screen views.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
New name for the screen view
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
This endpoint can be used to preview a generated document as a Workspace or Synerise User. To generate the output as a profile (client), use one of the following methods:
When this method is called, the Synerise backend finds all screen view campaigns in the requested feed which are applicable to the profile and returns the screen view with the highest priority (1). Inserts are processed. If an insert can't be processed, the returned data
is empty.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
feedSlug required | string Slug of the screen view feed |
identifierType required | string Enum: "id" "uuid" "email" "custom_identify" Type of the profile identifier. The value is sent in |
identifierValue required | string Value of the selected identifier. Note that IDs must also be sent as strings. |
object Additional parameters |
{- "identifierValue": "string",
- "params": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "hash": "19686d84-b10d-4f90-b18e-84fd3fa038fd",
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "data": {
- "collection": [
- {
- "uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f",
- "slug": "basket",
- "schema": "containers",
- "content": {
- "someBoolean": true,
- "someString": "Lorem ipsum",
- "aNestedDocument": {
- "uuid": "772d94f7-a604-409a-bfa9-24a64b8a5051",
- "slug": "apple",
- "schema": "fruit",
- "content": {
- "color": "red"
], - "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "path": "/v2/screen-views/f9215cb9-4a7e-410b-88cb-8bc40363cc10"
Returns a list of screen view feeds.
API consumers who can use this method: Synerise User, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Create a new screen view feed.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
slug required | string Unique slug of the screen view feed |
name required | string Name of the screen view feed |
{- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Returns a paginated list of screen views.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
page | number <int32> >= 1 Default: 1 |
limit | number <int32> Default: 25 Limit of items per page |
search | string A string to search for in resource names |
directoryId | string <uuid> UUID of the directory for filtering the results |
status | string Enum: "DRAFT" "ACTIVE" "SCHEDULED" "PAUSED" "FINISHED" Filter by status |
feedId | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view feed for filtering the results |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "meta": {
- "links": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "rel": "first"
], - "cursors": {
- "after": "string",
- "before": "string"
}, - "limit": 0,
- "count": 0
}, - "data": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Retrieve the details of a screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Delete a screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Copy a screen view. The copy receives the DRAFT status, regardless of the status of the original screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "authorId": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve information about documents or screen views that refer to the requested screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "document",
- "name": "string",
- "children": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "document",
- "name": "string",
- "children": [
- { }
Retrieve information about documents referenced from the requested screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "document",
- "name": "string",
- "children": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "document",
- "name": "string",
- "children": [
- { }
Returns a list of screen view directories.
API consumers who can use this method: Synerise User, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
Create a directory for screen views.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
name required | string Name of the directory |
{- "name": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
Update the name of a screen view directory.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
directoryId required | string <uuid> UUID of the directory |
name required | string |
{- "name": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
Delete a screen view directory. The contents are moved into the default directory.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
directoryId required | string <uuid> UUID of the directory |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
Assign a screen view to a directory. A screen view can only belong to one directory and using this endpoint overwrites the current assignment.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
directoryId required | string <uuid> UUID of the directory |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "docId": "b394169a-e7cd-41ad-9e47-a6d4a11d664b",
- "name": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "authorId": 0,
- "directoryId": "786c2ec1-fb9a-4593-b705-005b34c18c18",
- "scheduled": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Assign a screen view to a feed.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
UUID of the feed to which you want to assign the screen view
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Update the name of a screen view feed.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
feedId required | string <uuid> UUID of a screen view feed |
name required | string New name of the feed |
{- "name": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
Delete a screen view feed. The screen views currently in this feed are moved to the default feed.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
feedId required | string <uuid> UUID of a screen view feed |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Add a schedule to a document or screen view.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
externalId | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view or document that the schedule applies to |
type | string Enum: "SCREENVIEW" "DOCUMENT" Type of the scheduled object |
object Configuration of the schedule |
{- "externalId": "3200d382-adfe-4314-ab30-798cdd0fcdb5",
- "type": "SCREENVIEW",
- "schedule": {
- "enabled": true,
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "endType": "NEVER",
- "parts": [
- {
- "startDay": 1,
- "startTime": "08:18:03",
- "endDay": 1,
- "endTime": "44283"
], - "periodType": "ENTIRE",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "startType": "NOW",
- "timezone": "Europe/Warsaw"
{- "active": true,
- "externalId": "3200d382-adfe-4314-ab30-798cdd0fcdb5",
- "type": "SCREENVIEW",
- "finished": true,
- "schedule": {
- "enabled": true,
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "endType": "NEVER",
- "parts": [
- {
- "startDay": 1,
- "startTime": "08:18:03",
- "endDay": 1,
- "endTime": "44283"
], - "periodType": "ENTIRE",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "startType": "NOW",
- "timezone": "Europe/Warsaw"
Get schedule object.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
objectId required | string <uuid> Screen view or document ID |
objectType required | string Enum: "SCREENVIEW" "DOCUMENT" Object type |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "active": true,
- "externalId": "3200d382-adfe-4314-ab30-798cdd0fcdb5",
- "type": "SCREENVIEW",
- "finished": true,
- "schedule": {
- "enabled": true,
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "endType": "NEVER",
- "parts": [
- {
- "startDay": 1,
- "startTime": "08:18:03",
- "endDay": 1,
- "endTime": "44283"
], - "periodType": "ENTIRE",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "startType": "NOW",
- "timezone": "Europe/Warsaw"
Finish a screen view. A finished document is no longer displayed.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Resume a screen view that was paused.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Activate a screen view. It can be displayed to customers.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Pause a screen view. Until resumed, it can't be displayed to customers.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Retrieve item recommendations for a profile.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_PERSONALIZED_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Recommendations will be generated for the provided profile UUID. |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
excludePurchasedItems | boolean Default: false When true, the recommendation results will include only items that the profile hasn't purchased before. |
excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays | integer Limits the application of the |
filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. |
elastic:filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. The Elastic filter may be dropped if not enough products meet the required criteria. |
itemId | string Item identifier, equal to |
itemCatalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve item recommendations for a profile.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_PERSONALIZED_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Recommendations will be generated for the provided profile UUID. |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve item recommendations grouped by attribute.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_SECTION_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Information will be shown for the provided profile UUID. |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
metadataCatalogId | string ID of the catalog which stores attribute metadata |
required | Array of objects Slots data |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "metadataCatalogId": "string",
- "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 1,
- "numItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "rows": [
- {
- "attributeValue": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "metadata": {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve attribute recommendations.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_ATTRIBUTE_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Information will be shown for the provided profile UUID. |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
metadataCatalogId | string ID of the catalog which stores attribute metadata |
required | Array of objects Slots data |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "metadataCatalogId": "string",
- "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve recent item recommendations seen by a profile.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_LAST_VIEWED_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Information will be shown for the provided profile UUID. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve recent item recommendations seen by a profile.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_LAST_VIEWED_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Information will be shown for the provided profile UUID. |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve recent interactions recommendations for a profile.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_RECENT_INTERACTIONS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Information will be shown for the provided profile UUID. |
aggregateUUID required | string Information will be shown for the provided aggregate UUID. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Retrieve recent interactions recommendations for a profile.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_RECENT_INTERACTIONS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUuid required | string Information will be shown for the provided profile UUID. |
aggregateUUID required | string Information will be shown for the provided aggregate UUID. |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items with the highest score of a chosen metric. A list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_METRICS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
itemId | string Item identifier, equal to |
excludePurchasedItems | boolean Default: false When true, the recommendation results will include only items that the profile hasn't purchased before. |
excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays | integer Limits the application of the |
filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. |
elastic:filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. The Elastic filter may be dropped if not enough products meet the required criteria. |
itemCatalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items with the highest score of a chosen metric. A list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_METRICS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID required | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric required | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Show recommendations based on the contents of a cart.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_COMPLEMENTARY_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
excludePurchasedItems | boolean Default: false When true, the recommendation results will include only items that the profile hasn't purchased before. |
excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays | integer Limits the application of the |
filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. |
elastic:filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. The Elastic filter may be dropped if not enough products meet the required criteria. |
itemId | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
itemCatalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
boostMetric | string ID of the metric to boost the results by. Metric scores will be combined with recommendation scores, favoring the best-performing results. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Show recommendations based on the contents of a cart.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_COMPLEMENTARY_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items complementary to the given items.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_COMPLEMENTARY_PRODUCTS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
itemId required | string Item identifier, equal to |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
excludePurchasedItems | boolean Default: false When true, the recommendation results will include only items that the profile hasn't purchased before. |
excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays | integer Limits the application of the |
filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. |
elastic:filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. The Elastic filter may be dropped if not enough products meet the required criteria. |
itemCatalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items complementary to the given items.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_COMPLEMENTARY_PRODUCTS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
itemId required | string Item identifier, equal to |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items similar to a given item.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_SIMILAR_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
itemId required | string Item identifier, equal to |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
excludePurchasedItems | boolean Default: false When true, the recommendation results will include only items that the profile hasn't purchased before. |
excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays | integer Limits the application of the |
filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. |
elastic:filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. The Elastic filter may be dropped if not enough products meet the required criteria. |
itemCatalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items similar to a given item.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_SIMILAR_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
itemId required | string Item identifier, equal to |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items visually similar to the given items.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_VISUAL_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
itemId required | string Item identifier, equal to |
minNumItems | integer >= 1 Default: 1 The minimal number of returned item recommendations. If the service is not able to return at least this many recommendations, it will return an error. |
maxNumItems | integer <= 100 Default: 5 The maximal number of returned item recommendations. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
excludePurchasedItems | boolean Default: false When true, the recommendation results will include only items that the profile hasn't purchased before. |
excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays | integer Limits the application of the |
filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. |
elastic:filters | string This string defines the criteria that an item must meet in order to be considered for recommendation. The Elastic filter may be dropped if not enough products meet the required criteria. |
itemCatalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
object Distinct filters allow you to specify how many recommended items can have the same value of specified attributes. | |
includeContextItems | boolean The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
Returns items visually similar to the given items.
Note: The definition of an item encompasses products, but also articles, images, videos, and any other entities stored in catalogs.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_VISUAL_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
itemId required | string Item identifier, equal to |
Definition of the requested recommendation
campaignId | string Default: "defaultCampaign" The campaignId which will be passed as utm_campaign in a link to the recommended item. |
campaignName | string The campaign name which will be included in the recommendation.generated event. |
catalogId | string Default: "default" Only items from this item feed will be recommended. |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
contextItemIds | Array of strings Item identifiers, equal to |
includeContextItems | boolean Default: false The recommendation results will include context items from the request. |
object Filter configuration | |
displayAttributes | string Attributes to be returned |
object A/B test context. | |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
sortMetric | string ID of the metric to sort the results by. The list of available metrics can be checked by using this endpoint. |
object Result boosting parameters | |
Array of objects Boosting strategies | |
required | Array of objects non-empty Slot definitions. To apply default values and fetch all the results as a single slot, send |
{- "campaignId": "defaultCampaign",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "catalogId": "default",
- "clientUUID": "string",
- "contextItemIds": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": false,
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": false,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": false,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "displayAttributes": "string",
- "abTestContext": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": "string",
- "requestedCampaignId": "string"
}, - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
}, - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostingParameters": {
- "metric": "string",
- "strength": 0.1,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "minNumItems": 1,
- "maxNumItems": 5,
- "shuffleNumItems": 1,
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string",
- "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
{- "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
This method allows you to retrieve recommendations based on a campaignID or a slug and a context. The context is built based on:
This is the recommended and simplest way to fetch recommendations.
Before you use this method, you must to create a recommendations campaign in Synerise. All the recommendation filters and parameters will be handled for you automatically according to a campaign's configuration.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: API_MATERIALIZER_V2_RECOMMEND_CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
campaignIdentifier required | string Recommendation campaign identifier - a campaignID or a slug |
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
itemId | string Item ID or item IDs for the recommendation context. This parameter is:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't use the context item as part of the recommendation model, the context item can only be used to create filters. You can repeat this parameter in order to pass a number of context-creating items, for example, in a cart recommendation campaign. This overrides the Alternatively, you can pass the |
itemsSourceType | string Enum: "aggregate" "expression" Item ID or item IDs source type for the recommendation context. Must be used with In recommendations whose models doesn't use the item context, the attributes of those items can only be used in filters. If the items' source type is 'aggregate', the aggregate result will be used as context items. If the items' source type is 'expression', the expression result will be used as context items. The item ID source (aggregate or expression) should return a string or an array of strings. If it returns numerical values, the recommendations engine attempts to convert them into strings while processing the request. Alternatively, you can pass the |
itemsSourceId | string Source of item IDs for the recommendation context. In recommendations whose models doesn't use the item context, the attributes of those items can only be used in filters. Must be used with If the items' source type is 'aggregate', this is the aggregate's ID. If the items' source type is 'expression', this is the expression's ID. The item ID source (aggregate or expression) should return a string or an array of strings. If it returns numerical values, the recommendations engine attempts to convert them into strings while processing the request. Alternatively, you can pass the |
itemIdExcluded | string IDs of items that will be excluded from the generated recommendations. For example, items already added to the basket. |
additionalFilters | string Example: additionalFilters=effectivePrice>300 AND effectivePrice<400 IMPORTANT:
Additional filters. These are merged with the campaign's own filters according to the logic in This parameter must include all the additional filters as a single string, for example |
filtersJoiner | string Enum: "AND" "OR" "REPLACE" Defines the logic of merging
additionalElasticFilters | string Example: additionalElasticFilters=effectivePrice>300 AND effectivePrice<400 IMPORTANT:
Additional elastic filters. These are merged with the campaign's own elastic filters according to the logic in This parameter must include all the additional filters as a single string, for example |
elasticFiltersJoiner | string Enum: "AND" "OR" "REPLACE" Defines the logic of merging
displayAttribute | string Item attribute whose value will be returned in the recommendation response. The parameter value will be merged with the configuration of the recommendation. This parameter can be passed multiple times. |
includeContextItems | boolean When true, the recommendation response will include context items metadata. |
params | Array of strings Example: params=source:mobile List of extra params that will be added to the |
curl --request GET \ --url '¶ms=source%3Amobile' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string"
This method allows you to retrieve recommendations based on a campaignID or slug and a context. The context is built based on:
This is the recommended and simplest way to fetch recommendations.
Before you use this method, you must to create a recommendations campaign in Synerise. All the recommendation filters and parameters will be handled for you automatically according to a campaign's configuration.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: API_MATERIALIZER_V2_RECOMMEND_CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
clientUUID | string Profile UUID. This parameter is required for these recommendation types:
This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't require the customer context, it can still be used to create filters. |
campaignId | string Campaign ID for establishing the context |
slug | string Slug for establishing the context |
items | Array of strings An array of item identifiers ( This overrides the This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't use the context item as part of the recommendation model, the context item can only be used to create filters. Alternatively, you can use the |
object Source of the Item ID or item IDs for the recommendation context. This overrides the This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't use the context item as part of the recommendation model, the context item can only be used to create filters. The item ID source (aggregate or expression) should return a string or an array of strings. If it returns numerical values, the recommendations engine attempts to convert them into strings while processing the request. Alternatively, you can pass the | |
itemsExcluded | Array of strings >= 0 items Items (identified by |
additionalFilters | string IMPORTANT:
Additional filters. These are merged with the campaign's own filters according to the logic in This parameter must include all the additional filters as a single string, for example |
filtersJoiner | string Enum: "AND" "OR" "REPLACE" Defines the logic of merging
additionalElasticFilters | string IMPORTANT:
Additional elastic filters. These are merged with the campaign's own elastic filters according to the logic in This parameter must include all the additional filters as a single string, for example |
elasticFiltersJoiner | string Enum: "AND" "OR" "REPLACE" Defines the logic of merging
displayAttributes | Array of strings >= 0 items An array of item attributes which value will be returned in a recommendation response. The array will be merged together with the configuration of the recommendation. |
includeContextItems | boolean When true, the recommendation response will include context items metadata. |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
{- "clientUUID": "string",
- "campaignId": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "items": [
- "string"
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "itemsExcluded": [
- "string"
], - "additionalFilters": "effectivePrice>300 AND effectivePrice<400",
- "filtersJoiner": "AND",
- "additionalElasticFilters": "effectivePrice>300 AND effectivePrice<400",
- "elasticFiltersJoiner": "AND",
- "displayAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": true,
- "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string"
Before you use this method: you must create a recommendations campaign in Synerise. All the recommendation filters and parameters will be handled for you automatically according to a campaign's configuration.
The method allows you to retrieve recommendations based on a campaignID or a slug, profile's identifier name (the value of the identifier is provided in the request body), and a context. The context is built based on:
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: API_MATERIALIZER_V2_RECOMMEND_WITH_CUSTOM_ID_RECOMMENDATIONS_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
campaignIdentifier required | string Recommendation campaign identifier - a campaignID or a slug |
identifierName required | string Enum: "id" "uuid" "email" "custom_identify" The name of the profile identifier to use for the request. By default, the allowed identifier types are |
identifierValue required | string Value of the identifier selected in the path attributes |
items | Array of strings An array of item identifiers ( This overrides the This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't use the context item as part of the recommendation model, the context item can only be used to create filters. Alternatively, you can use the |
object Source of the Item ID or item IDs for the recommendation context. This overrides the This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't use the context item as part of the recommendation model, the context item can only be used to create filters. The item ID source (aggregate or expression) should return a string or an array of strings. If it returns numerical values, the recommendations engine attempts to convert them into strings while processing the request. Alternatively, you can pass the | |
itemsExcluded | Array of strings >= 0 items Items (identified by |
additionalFilters | string IMPORTANT:
Additional filters. These are merged with the campaign's own filters according to the logic in This parameter must include all the additional filters as a single string, for example |
filtersJoiner | string Enum: "AND" "OR" "REPLACE" Defines the logic of merging
additionalElasticFilters | string IMPORTANT:
Additional elastic filters. These are merged with the campaign's own elastic filters according to the logic in This parameter must include all the additional filters as a single string, for example |
elasticFiltersJoiner | string Enum: "AND" "OR" "REPLACE" Defines the logic of merging
displayAttributes | Array of strings >= 0 items An array of item attributes which value will be returned in a recommendation response. The array will be merged together with the configuration of the recommendation. |
includeContextItems | boolean When true, the recommendation response will include context items metadata. |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
{- "identifierValue": "string",
- "items": [
- "string"
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "itemsExcluded": [
- "string"
], - "additionalFilters": "effectivePrice>300 AND effectivePrice<400",
- "filtersJoiner": "AND",
- "additionalElasticFilters": "effectivePrice>300 AND effectivePrice<400",
- "elasticFiltersJoiner": "AND",
- "displayAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "includeContextItems": true,
- "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemId": "string"
], - "extras": {
- "correlationId": "string",
- "contextItems": [
- {
- "itemId": "string",
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
], - "slots": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "itemIds": [
- "string"
], - "error": {
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string"
Fetch all recommendation campaigns.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_MANY_CAMPAIGN_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
page | integer Default: 0 Page number |
limit | integer Default: 50 Maximum number of campaigns on a page |
sortBy | string Default: "createdAt" Enum: "createdAt" "updatedAt" "startDate" "endDate" "state" "type" Name of the field by which data will be sorted |
ordering | string Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false If true, a |
type | string Filters the results by campaign type. |
state | Array of strings Items Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" Shows only results with states matching this parameter. When this parameter is omitted, all campaigns are returned regardless of state. |
search | string Searches campaigns by the specified phrase in their |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "meta": {
- "totalPages": 0,
- "totalCount": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "limit": 0,
- "sortedBy": "string",
- "ordering": "string",
- "code": 0,
- "link": [
- {
- "url": "string",
- "rel": "first"
}, - "data": [
- {
- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0
}, - "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "abTest": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": 0,
- "status": "NotStarted",
- "isBaseline": true
], - "extras": {
- "states": {
- "active": 0,
- "draft": 0,
- "paused": 0
Create a new recommendation campaign.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_CAMPAIGN_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
All the details of a campaign
type required | string Value: "similar" Campaign type |
object Parameters that apply to this campaign | |
title required | string Campaign title |
slug | string Unique identifier of the campaign. Can be used for fetching campaigns instead of the ID. Create meaningful, human-readable slugs for easier work with recommendation campaigns. |
description | string Campaign description |
startDate | string Start date for the campaign |
endDate | string End date for the campaign |
state | string Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" "deleted" Campaign status |
object Filters that apply to this campaign. If the filters contain an attribute used in the default filters of the recommendation model (Settings > AI Configuration), that default filter is ignored. | |
itemsCatalogId required | string Only items from this catalog will be recommended. |
required | Array of objects non-empty Recommendation slots. Must contain at least one slot with a non-empty |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
Array of objects Recommendation boosting strategies | |
object The source of item ID or IDs for the recommendation context. This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't use item context as part of the recommendation model, the context item can be used only to create filters. The item ID source (aggregate or expression) should return a string or an array of strings. If it returns numerical values, the recommendations engine attempts to convert them into strings while processing the request. Alternatively, you can pass the |
{- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0,
- "personalizedBoostingStrength": 0
}, - "title": "string",
- "slug": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
{- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0
}, - "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "abTest": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": 0,
- "status": "NotStarted",
- "isBaseline": true
Retrieve the details of a single campaign.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_SINGLE_CAMPAIGN_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
campaignId required | string ID of the campaign |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0
}, - "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "abTest": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": 0,
- "status": "NotStarted",
- "isBaseline": true
Update a recommendation campaign by changing the parameters or copying the definition from another campaign.
When you copy from another campaign:
changes to the user who performed the updateAPI consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_CAMPAIGN_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
campaignId required | string ID of the campaign |
Definition of the updated campaign.
type required | string Value: "similar" Campaign type |
object Parameters that apply to this campaign | |
campaignId | string Campaign ID |
title required | string Campaign title |
description | string Campaign description |
startDate required | string Start date for the campaign |
endDate | string End date for the campaign |
createdAt | string Date when the campaign was created |
updatedAt | string Date when the campaign was last updated |
state required | string Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" "deleted" Campaign status |
object Filters that apply to this campaign. If the filters contain an attribute used in the default filters of the recommendation model (Settings > AI Configuration), that default filter is ignored. | |
itemsCatalogId required | string Only items from this catalog will be recommended. |
additionalResponseAttributes | Array of strings An array of addtional response attributes. |
Array of objects non-empty Recommendation slots. Must contain at least one slot with a non-empty | |
keepSlotsOrder | boolean Default: true
The additional If you want to set |
personalizeSlotsOrder | boolean Default: false Sort the slots by average personalized slot score. This parameter applies only to personalized and attribute recommendation campaigns. If you want to set |
Array of objects Recommendation boosting strategies | |
object The source of item ID or IDs for the recommendation context. This parameter can be passed in all recommendations. In recommendations which don't use item context as part of the recommendation model, the context item can be used only to create filters. The item ID source (aggregate or expression) should return a string or an array of strings. If it returns numerical values, the recommendations engine attempts to convert them into strings while processing the request. Alternatively, you can pass the | |
object Information whether campaign is part of an a/b test |
{- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0
}, - "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "abTest": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": 0,
- "status": "NotStarted",
- "isBaseline": true
{- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0
}, - "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "abTest": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": 0,
- "status": "NotStarted",
- "isBaseline": true
Delete a recommendation campaign. This operation is irreversible.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_CAMPAIGN_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
campaignId required | string ID of the campaign |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0
}, - "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "abTest": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": 0,
- "status": "NotStarted",
- "isBaseline": true
Change the status of one or more campaigns.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_STATE_CAMPAIGN_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
List of updated campaign IDs and new states.
state required | string Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" "deleted" Campaign status |
ids required | Array of strings [ 1 .. 10 ] items An array of campaign IDs. |
{- "state": "draft",
- "ids": [
- "string"
[- "string"
Copy a campaign. The copied campaign's state
will be draft
and slug
will be undefined.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_COPY_CAMPAIGN_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
campaignId required | string ID of the campaign |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "type": "similar",
- "parameters": {
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "boostMetric": "string",
- "sortMetric": "string",
- "boostMetricStrength": -100,
- "shuffleNumItems": 0
}, - "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "state": "draft",
- "filterRules": {
- "excludePurchasedItems": true,
- "excludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItems": true,
- "elasticExcludePurchasedItemsSinceDays": 0
}, - "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "additionalResponseAttributes": [
- "string"
], - "slots": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "itemMin": 0,
- "itemMax": 0,
- "filterRules": {
- "filters": "string",
- "elasticFilters": "string"
}, - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "attribute": {
- "name": "string",
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "numRows": 0,
- "numItems": 0
], - "keepSlotsOrder": true,
- "personalizeSlotsOrder": false,
- "boostingStrategies": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "condition": "string",
- "strength": 1
], - "itemsSource": {
- "type": "aggregate",
- "id": "string"
}, - "abTest": {
- "experimentId": 0,
- "variantId": 0,
- "status": "NotStarted",
- "isBaseline": true
Fetch simplified recommendation campaign data.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: RECOMMENDATIONS_V2_MANY_SIMPLIFIED_CAMPAIGN_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: CAMPAIGNS_RECOMMENDATIONS
type | Array of strings Filter by campaign type. |
state | Array of strings Items Enum: "draft" "active" "paused" Filter by states. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "campaignId": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string"
Returns all templates from a Workspace, with an option to filter by type.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_BACKEND_TEMPLATE_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
type | string Enum: "SMS" "MOBILE_PUSH" "WEB_PUSH" "DYNAMIC_CONTENT" "LANDING_PAGE" "EMAIL" "SOCIAL_MEDIA" "IN_APP" The type of templates to return |
search | string Searched phrase |
limit | number |
offset | number |
approved | boolean Default: false When approval-service enabled it filters for approved templates |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 594,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "subtype": "BANNER",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-03-21T12:31:26Z",
- "directory": {
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
}, - "author": 123,
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "source": 0
Create a new template.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
Template to create
name | string or null Name of the template |
type | string or null Enum: "SMS" "MOBILE_PUSH" "WEB_PUSH" "DYNAMIC_CONTENT" "LANDING_PAGE" "EMAIL" "SOCIAL_MEDIA" "IN_APP" null Template type |
subtype | string or null Enum: "BANNER" "TOP_BAR" "BOTTOM_BAR" "MODAL" null Template subtype. Currently accepted subtypes are
contentType | string Enum: "TEMPLATE" "BLOCK" |
directory required | string <uuid> UUID of the directory where the template will be saved |
content required | string Template content as a stringified, escaped object. This includes HTML, JS, CSS, and other data, depending on the template type. |
source required | integer <int64> Information about used editor. Currently accepted builder are
includeSafeArea | boolean or null Default: false Define if in_app template should include safe area |
hidden | boolean or null Default: false Define if the template is hidden |
temporal | boolean or null Default: false Define if template can be deleted if was not used in any place |
{- "name": "string",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "subtype": "BANNER",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "directory": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "content": "{\"json\":\"\",\"html\":\"<p>some text</p>\",\"css\":\"p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}\",\"js\":\"console.log(\\\"test\\\")\",\"raw\":\"<html><head><style type=\\\"text/css\\\">p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}</style></head><body><p>some text</p></body></html>\",\"source\":2}",
- "source": 0,
- "includeSafeArea": false,
- "hidden": false,
- "temporal": false
{- "id": 0,
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "businessProfileId": 594,
- "name": "string",
- "templateContent": "{\"json\":\"\",\"html\":\"<p>some text</p>\",\"css\":\"p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}\",\"js\":\"console.log(\\\"test\\\")\",\"raw\":\"<html><head><style type=\\\"text/css\\\">p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}</style></head><body><p>some text</p></body></html>\",\"source\":2}",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "subtype": "BANNER",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "directory": {
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-03-21T12:31:26Z",
- "parsedData": {
- "links": { }
}, - "parsedContent": "string",
- "functionType": "Password Change",
- "author": 123,
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "source": 0,
- "includeSafeArea": false
Return the details of a template identified by its UUID.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
templateUuid required | string <uuid> Example: e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb Template UUID |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": 0,
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "businessProfileId": 594,
- "name": "string",
- "templateContent": "{\"json\":\"\",\"html\":\"<p>some text</p>\",\"css\":\"p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}\",\"js\":\"console.log(\\\"test\\\")\",\"raw\":\"<html><head><style type=\\\"text/css\\\">p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}</style></head><body><p>some text</p></body></html>\",\"source\":2}",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "subtype": "BANNER",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "directory": {
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-03-21T12:31:26Z",
- "parsedData": {
- "links": { }
}, - "parsedContent": "string",
- "functionType": "Password Change",
- "author": 123,
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "source": 0,
- "includeSafeArea": false
Change template content.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
templateUuid required | string <uuid> Example: e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb Template UUID |
name | string or null Name of the template |
content | string Template content as a stringified, escaped object. This includes HTML, JS, CSS, and other data, depending on the template type. |
includeSafeArea | boolean or null Default: false Define if in_app template should include safe area |
{- "name": "string",
- "content": "{\"json\":\"\",\"html\":\"<p>some text</p>\",\"css\":\"p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}\",\"js\":\"console.log(\\\"test\\\")\",\"raw\":\"<html><head><style type=\\\"text/css\\\">p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}</style></head><body><p>some text</p></body></html>\",\"source\":2}",
- "includeSafeArea": false
{- "id": 0,
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "businessProfileId": 594,
- "name": "string",
- "templateContent": "{\"json\":\"\",\"html\":\"<p>some text</p>\",\"css\":\"p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}\",\"js\":\"console.log(\\\"test\\\")\",\"raw\":\"<html><head><style type=\\\"text/css\\\">p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}</style></head><body><p>some text</p></body></html>\",\"source\":2}",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "subtype": "BANNER",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "directory": {
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-03-21T12:31:26Z",
- "parsedData": {
- "links": { }
}, - "parsedContent": "string",
- "functionType": "Password Change",
- "author": 123,
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "source": 0,
- "includeSafeArea": false
Create a new functional template. Functional templates are used for cases not covered by the Create template endpoint, such as a password change page.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONAL_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
Functional template to create
name | string Template name |
content required | string Template content |
functionType required | string Function type |
directory required | string <uuid> UUID of the directory where the template will be saved |
{- "name": "name",
- "content": "<html><h1>Content</h1></html>",
- "functionType": "Password Change",
- "directory": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb"
{- "id": 0,
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "businessProfileId": 594,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "subtype": "BANNER",
- "functionType": "Password Change",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "createdBy": 123
Move templates to another directory.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
templateHashIds required | Array of strings <uuid> List of templates to move, identified by hashIds (UUIDs) |
directoryHash required | string UUID of the directory where the template will be moved |
{- "templateHashIds": [
- "2ede34f8-1c27-4131-bfb1-5c88856882e1"
], - "directoryHash": "2ede34f8-1c27-4131-bfb1-5c88856882e1"
Delete templates. This operation is irreversible.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
List of template UUIDs to remove
Template hashId (UUID)
[- "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb"
Retrieve a template identified by ID.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
id required | integer <int64> Example: 12 Template ID |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": 0,
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "businessProfileId": 594,
- "name": "string",
- "templateContent": "{\"json\":\"\",\"html\":\"<p>some text</p>\",\"css\":\"p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}\",\"js\":\"console.log(\\\"test\\\")\",\"raw\":\"<html><head><style type=\\\"text/css\\\">p {\\n font-weight: bold\\n}</style></head><body><p>some text</p></body></html>\",\"source\":2}",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "subtype": "BANNER",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "directory": {
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-03-21T12:31:26Z",
- "parsedData": {
- "links": { }
}, - "parsedContent": "string",
- "functionType": "Password Change",
- "author": 123,
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "source": 0,
- "includeSafeArea": false
Create new template from ZIP file.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
ZIP file with template
filename required | string <binary> ZIP file |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN' \ --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \ --form filename=string
{- "html": "string",
- "css": "string",
- "date": 1553171486
Create new template from URL.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: TEMPLATE_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
url required | string URL of the template |
{- "url": "string"
[- {
- "html": "string",
- "css": "string",
- "date": 1553171486
Retrieve a list of all directories in the Workspace.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: DIRECTORY_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
Create a new directory for templates. A directory can store only one type of templates.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: DIRECTORY_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
Directory to create
name required | string Name of the directory |
type required | string or null Enum: "SMS" "MOBILE_PUSH" "WEB_PUSH" "DYNAMIC_CONTENT" "LANDING_PAGE" "EMAIL" "SOCIAL_MEDIA" "IN_APP" null Template type |
readOnly | boolean Default: false Define if the directory is read-only |
contentType | string Enum: "TEMPLATE" "BLOCK" |
{- "name": "string",
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "readOnly": false,
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE"
{- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
Retrieve a list of directories of a single type.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: DIRECTORY_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
type required | string Enum: "SMS" "MOBILE_PUSH" "WEB_PUSH" "DYNAMIC_CONTENT" "LANDING_PAGE" "EMAIL" "SOCIAL_MEDIA" "IN_APP" The type of directories to return (directory types match the template types stored in them). Directories with null type are always returned. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
Remove a directory. Only empty directories can be removed.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: DIRECTORY_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
directoryUUID required | string <uuid> Example: e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb Directory UUID |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
Rename a directory.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: DIRECTORY_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: TEMPLATES
directoryUUID required | string <uuid> Example: e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb Directory UUID |
name | string New name of the directory. If not sent, the name of the directory is set to null. |
{- "name": "string"
{- "hashId": "e0326a2d-7697-4ae9-b490-31f97041adcb",
- "name": "string",
- "readOnly": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "type": "EMAIL",
- "contentType": "TEMPLATE",
- "default": true,
- "predefined": true
Retrieve a paginated list of all screen view campaigns in the workspace.
API consumers who can use this method: Synerise User, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
limit required | string The maximum number of items to retrieve for pagination |
page required | integer The number of the page to retrieve |
status | string Enum: "DRAFT" "ACTIVE" "SCHEDULED" "PAUSED" "FINISHED" Filter the results by screen view status |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
], - "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieve list of screen view campaigns by keys in the workspace.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
[- "string"
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
], - "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieve the details of a single screen view campaign.
API consumers who can use this method: Synerise User, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- {
- "slug": "string",
- "version": "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Retrieve all versions of a screen view campaign.
API consumers who can use this method: Synerise User, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
limit required | string The maximum number of items to retrieve for pagination |
page required | integer The number of the page to retrieve |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "draft": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "authorId": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "currentlyPublished": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "authorId": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "previouslyPublished": {
- "data": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "authorId": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
When this method is called, the Synerise backend finds all screen view campaigns applicable to the profile and returns the screen view with the highest priority (1).
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User, Profile (formerly client), Anonymous profile (formerly client)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{ }
When this method is called, the Synerise backend finds all screen view campaigns applicable to the profile and returns the screen view with the highest priority (1).
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User, Profile (formerly client), Anonymous profile (formerly client)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "priority": 99,
- "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "path": "/screenView",
- "data": { }
Create a new screen view campaign. It is created as a blank, without any conditions.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "authorId": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Copy content to a screen view draft from another screen view.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
screenViewId | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion | string Version of the screen view |
{- "screenViewId": "481855c5-f86e-453f-a0fa-d34b5a2be745",
- "screenViewVersion": "string"
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Add content to a screen view draft.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
required | object JSON structure of the screen view. By default, a newly created screen view has the following
The If this insert is not used, you must manually insert each document with |
documents required | Array of strings An array of documents. If |
groups required | Array of strings <uuid> An array of document groups, If |
groupsOrder | boolean Default: false By default, group are ordered for display by their priority. When this field is set to |
{- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Define the audience for a screen view draft.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
targetType required | string Enum: "SEGMENT" "QUERY" "ALL" The method of defining the audience:
segments | Array of strings An array of segmentation IDs. Used with |
query | string Stringified |
{- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Make the screen view accessible to customers.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
overwrite required | boolean Currently unused |
{- "overwrite": true
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Copy a duplicate of an active screen view. The duplicate is in draft status.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion | string Version of the screen view |
{- "screenViewId": "481855c5-f86e-453f-a0fa-d34b5a2be745",
- "screenViewVersion": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "authorId": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Create a duplicate of an active screen view. The duplicate is in draft status.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion | string Version of the screen view |
{- "screenViewId": "481855c5-f86e-453f-a0fa-d34b5a2be745",
- "screenViewVersion": "string"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "hash": "bb6639b2-a98e-49d9-804f-ed6c0e2a0d2f:2019-12-05T08:22:10.094",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "authorId": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "priority": 99,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Update the description of a screen view. You can update the descriptions of active screen views.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
New description of the screen view
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Update the priority of a screen view. You can update the priorities of active screen views.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
New priority of the screen view
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Discard the changes made in a version of a screen view.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "version": "string",
- "parentVersion": "string",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "priority": 99,
- "scheduled": true,
- "author": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "avatar": "string"
}, - "content": {
- "json": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "documents": [
- {
- "slug": "string",
- "version": "string"
], - "groups": [
- "43c97b25-4a10-45d0-99b7-d472eea2bb24"
], - "groupsOrder": false
}, - "audience": {
- "targetType": "SEGMENT",
- "segments": [
- "string"
], - "query": "{\"analysis\":{\"title\":\"Unnamed segmentation\",\"description\":\"\",\"unique\":true,\"segments\":[{\"title\":\"Segmentation A\",\"description\":\"\",\"filter\":{\"matching\":true,\"expressions\":[{\"_id\":\"a9b76c8e-34bd-4ac3-be8f-f37041d126bd\",\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"FUNNEL\",\"matching\":true,\"funnel\":{\"_id\":\"5c759d73-49c6-409f-96a3-b569dff8f8ff\",\"title\":\"Unnamed\",\"completedWithin\":null,\"dateFilter\":{\"type\":\"RELATIVE\",\"offset\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":0},\"duration\":{\"type\":\"DAYS\",\"value\":30}},\"steps\":[{\"_id\":\"78b97ae0-1bc5-45fb-82a4-4f1280cfbdff\",\"title\":\"\",\"action\":{\"id\":944,\"name\":\"page.visit\"},\"eventName\":\"page.visit\",\"expressions\":[]}],\"exact\":false}}]}}]}}"
}, - "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deletedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "directory": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "businessProfileId": 48,
- "name": "string",
- "objectType": "EXPRESSION",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isDefault": true
}, - "feed": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "slug": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "createdAt": 1553171486,
- "default": true
Delete a screen view and all its versions. This operation is irreversible.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"
Delete a version of a screen view.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SCHEMA_SERVICE_SCHEMA_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_DOCS
screenViewId required | string <uuid> UUID of the screen view |
screenViewVersion required | string Version of the screen view |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "body": "string"