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Authenticate as a User.
Note: To perform operations within a Workspace, you must select a Workspace.
username required | string The login (email address) of the user |
password required | string The user's password |
deviceId | string Identifier of user's current device |
externalProviderToken | string |
externalProviderType | string Value: "GOOGLE" |
{- "username": "string",
- "password": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "externalProviderToken": "string",
- "externalProviderType": "GOOGLE"
{- "consumer": {
- "type": "USER",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "authorities": [
- "string"
], - "roles": "string"
}, - "token": "string"
Authenticate as a User with multi-factor authentication.
Note: To perform operations within a Workspace, you must select a Workspace.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all authenticated users, before and after multi-factor authentication is confirmed.
mfaType required | string Enum: "TOTP_AUTHENTICATOR" "EMAIL" Type of multi-factor authentication |
verificationCode required | string Multi-factor verification code |
deviceId | string |
externalProviderToken | string |
externalProviderType | string Value: "GOOGLE" |
{- "verificationCode": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "externalProviderToken": "string",
- "externalProviderType": "GOOGLE"
{- "consumer": {
- "type": "USER",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "authorities": [
- "string"
], - "roles": "string"
}, - "token": "string"
After logging in as a User, select a Workspace where you want to perform operations.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all fully-authenticated users (multifactor confirmation required, if enabled).
businessProfileUUID required | string <uuid> UUID of the workspace |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "consumer": {
- "type": "USER",
- "businessProfileId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "authorities": [
- "string"
], - "roles": "string"
}, - "token": "string"
Retrieve a list of Workspaces available to the user.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all fully-authenticated users (multifactor confirmation required, if enabled).
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "businessProfileGuid": "string",
- "logo": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subdomain": "string",
- "ipRestricted": true,
- "mfaRequired": true
Retrieve information about the currently selected workspace.
API consumer who can use this method: Synerise User
This method is available to all fully-authenticated users (multifactor confirmation required, if enabled).
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "selected": true,
- "data": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "logo": "string",
- "businessProfileGuid": "string",
- "created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subdomain": "string",
- "ipRestriction": "OFF",
- "mfaRestriction": "OFF",
- "labels": [
- "string"
Obtain a new Workspace JWT Token.
apiKey required | string Workspace API key WARNING: Workspace API keys can be used to access all customer data and manage the workspace. They should only be used for server-to-server communication in integrations. DO NOT use workspace API keys in your mobile applications or websites. |
{- "apiKey": "64c09614-1b2a-42f7-804d-f647243eb1ab"
{- "token": "string"
Retrieve a refreshed JWT Token to prolong the session.
The current token must still be active at the time of the request.
API consumers who can use this method: Profile (formerly client), Anonymous profile (formerly client)
This method does not require a Synerise authorization token.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
{- "apiKey": "string"
{- "token": "string",
- "expiration": 1649283173,
- "created": 1649277173668,
- "origin": "SYNERISE",
- "customId": "card123",
- "realm": "client"
Obtain a new JWT for a Profile. If an account for the Profile does not exist and the identityProvider
is different than SYNERISE
, this request creates an account.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
identityProvider required | string Enum: "SYNERISE" "FACEBOOK" "OAUTH" "APPLE" "GOOGLE" "UNKNOWN" The identity provider. |
identityProviderToken | string Third-party authentication token used to authenticate with the Identity Provider. Required if |
string Profile email. Required if | |
customId | any Profile customId. Required if |
password | string Profile password. Required if |
uuid | string Profile UUID. Required if |
deviceId | string Unique Android or iOS device ID |
object This object contains the marketing agreements of the Profile. You can also pass the values as strings ( | |
object This object contains custom attributes that can have any name (except for reserved attributes, see warning below) and data type, as required by your integration. The attribute names can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): String values:
If you want to send a date/time attribute for use in analytics, take the following into account:
WARNING: Some attributes are reserved and cannot be sent. If you send them, they are ignored. Click to expand the list of reserved attributesemail clientId phone customId uuid firstName lastName displayName company address city province zipCode countryCode birthDate sex avatarUrl anonymous agreements tags businessProfileId time ip source newsletter_agreement custom_identify firstname lastname created updated last_activity_date birthdate external_avatar_url displayname receive_smses receive_push_messages receive_webpush_messages receive_btooth_messages receive_rfid_messages receive_wifi_messages confirmation_hash ownerId zipCode anonymous_type country_id geo_loc_city geo_loc_country geo_loc_as geo_loc_country_code geo_loc_isp geo_loc_lat geo_loc_lon geo_loc_org geo_loc_query geo_loc_region geo_loc_region_name geo_loc_status geo_loc_timezone geo_loc_zip club_card_id type confirmed facebookId status
| |
tags | Array of strings Tags can be used to group profiles. Tag names (strings):
{- "apiKey": "string",
- "identityProvider": "SYNERISE",
- "identityProviderToken": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "customId": null,
- "password": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "agreements": {
- "email": false,
- "sms": false,
- "push": false,
- "webPush": false,
- "bluetooth": false,
- "rfid": false,
- "wifi": false
}, - "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tags": [
- "string"
{- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdinvalidwYmZkM2FkNDg2ZjQ3ZGRiMjE5MSIsImF1ZCI6IkFQSSIsInJsbSI6ImFub255bW91c19jbGllbnQiLCJjdGQiOjE1NTMwMDQxNTkxNTEsImVtbCI6IjYyMjM3NmY4LTAwMDAtMjIyMi1kN2Y5LTA3MGZhOTU2ZTk2M0Bhbm9ueW1vdXMuaW52YWxpZCIsImF1dGgiOiJINHNJQUFBQUFBQUFBSXVPQlFBcHUwd05BZ0FBQUE9PSIsImlzcyI6IlN5bmVyaXNlIiwiYnBpIjo0OCwiY2xJZCI6NDMzMjMwMjg4LCJleHAiOjE1NTMwMDcxNTksImFwayI6IjVBRUFBM0Q1LUUxNDctQzdFQi1ENTlFLUJDRjUwMTA5QTNEMSJ9.QOmSqrneR4mJFv4JdxTYsw_wGcDawDsVQuB-GVTcPPwijiP7lQ_Jzqq2Mypg1BS6WFlfGB8fzqCY9iMF_TdtjmoB4xBrY95ylU8L9qto-9Cw5x5TURkfxq31eryiHe2IteRAEtoVzYg2_s9QhlH6ANVcFOVp8dMno0V9bfMYfeSQa3FkjEbxFsseHkMOiADmp9-tOGtLXO942Ir-2W_Hz3Utlpt4erz0dVJBw8a-mFavPA8EEDWR7ACJNocrVHFkS3wFISh3LqLn6KkXiowaynKlJOEHGctuahzKmF3ZOJ1BvGgKohxF9OXvQs9IdmCfWhYsLr5Q2p04TJJ-MyvTipuggKVioh8mHmOFdfnN-Zused6tXzhZtKPUWTmM8cBKoAOBHExxcMQ8SVSjxnw_7_eLKm7S2wNpu0V-tiPZPCH4wYZXtWBYjmfy0V9ydjXnNunXfgxKixLeFNnONUXxEuqPLvM_xAuonQBXVN4nYrgJv8p8U6_ZlGMPjJq1szfcuBZnzI34LSEWx_nSof0XC5Czm8iG_ihG8naivNWS8h-Q-qKMP_3PPFsLSH4Egh03pH93EJUuNAeSO4RGfUX1wzMvrv1nBC1SM660uFMbq-wkplFBbKnHKMYe-qRs1-lZPG5PwPWJJdpGqOUzbnoMOJYmiq06OHHVQyJSkcEHLCk"
Obtain a new JWT for a Profile. This method is designed to be used from a backend server that handles login requests and communicates with Synerise to execute them.
If an account for the Profile does not exist and the identityProvider
is different than SYNERISE
, this request creates an account.
API consumer who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SAUTH_SERVER_LOGIN_CLIENT_CREATE
ipAddress required | string The IP address of the client device that is logging in. |
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
identityProvider required | string Enum: "SYNERISE" "FACEBOOK" "OAUTH" "APPLE" "GOOGLE" "UNKNOWN" The identity provider. |
identityProviderToken | string Third-party authentication token used to authenticate with the Identity Provider. Required if |
string Profile email. Required if | |
customId | any Profile customId. Required if |
password | string Profile password. Required if |
uuid | string Profile UUID. Required if |
deviceId | string Unique Android or iOS device ID |
object This object contains the marketing agreements of the Profile. You can also pass the values as strings ( | |
object This object contains custom attributes that can have any name (except for reserved attributes, see warning below) and data type, as required by your integration. The attribute names can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): String values:
If you want to send a date/time attribute for use in analytics, take the following into account:
WARNING: Some attributes are reserved and cannot be sent. If you send them, they are ignored. Click to expand the list of reserved attributesemail clientId phone customId uuid firstName lastName displayName company address city province zipCode countryCode birthDate sex avatarUrl anonymous agreements tags businessProfileId time ip source newsletter_agreement custom_identify firstname lastname created updated last_activity_date birthdate external_avatar_url displayname receive_smses receive_push_messages receive_webpush_messages receive_btooth_messages receive_rfid_messages receive_wifi_messages confirmation_hash ownerId zipCode anonymous_type country_id geo_loc_city geo_loc_country geo_loc_as geo_loc_country_code geo_loc_isp geo_loc_lat geo_loc_lon geo_loc_org geo_loc_query geo_loc_region geo_loc_region_name geo_loc_status geo_loc_timezone geo_loc_zip club_card_id type confirmed facebookId status
| |
tags | Array of strings Tags can be used to group profiles. Tag names (strings):
{- "ipAddress": "string",
- "apiKey": "string",
- "identityProvider": "SYNERISE",
- "identityProviderToken": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "customId": null,
- "password": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "agreements": {
- "email": false,
- "sms": false,
- "push": false,
- "webPush": false,
- "bluetooth": false,
- "rfid": false,
- "wifi": false
}, - "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tags": [
- "string"
{- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdinvalidwYmZkM2FkNDg2ZjQ3ZGRiMjE5MSIsImF1ZCI6IkFQSSIsInJsbSI6ImFub255bW91c19jbGllbnQiLCJjdGQiOjE1NTMwMDQxNTkxNTEsImVtbCI6IjYyMjM3NmY4LTAwMDAtMjIyMi1kN2Y5LTA3MGZhOTU2ZTk2M0Bhbm9ueW1vdXMuaW52YWxpZCIsImF1dGgiOiJINHNJQUFBQUFBQUFBSXVPQlFBcHUwd05BZ0FBQUE9PSIsImlzcyI6IlN5bmVyaXNlIiwiYnBpIjo0OCwiY2xJZCI6NDMzMjMwMjg4LCJleHAiOjE1NTMwMDcxNTksImFwayI6IjVBRUFBM0Q1LUUxNDctQzdFQi1ENTlFLUJDRjUwMTA5QTNEMSJ9.QOmSqrneR4mJFv4JdxTYsw_wGcDawDsVQuB-GVTcPPwijiP7lQ_Jzqq2Mypg1BS6WFlfGB8fzqCY9iMF_TdtjmoB4xBrY95ylU8L9qto-9Cw5x5TURkfxq31eryiHe2IteRAEtoVzYg2_s9QhlH6ANVcFOVp8dMno0V9bfMYfeSQa3FkjEbxFsseHkMOiADmp9-tOGtLXO942Ir-2W_Hz3Utlpt4erz0dVJBw8a-mFavPA8EEDWR7ACJNocrVHFkS3wFISh3LqLn6KkXiowaynKlJOEHGctuahzKmF3ZOJ1BvGgKohxF9OXvQs9IdmCfWhYsLr5Q2p04TJJ-MyvTipuggKVioh8mHmOFdfnN-Zused6tXzhZtKPUWTmM8cBKoAOBHExxcMQ8SVSjxnw_7_eLKm7S2wNpu0V-tiPZPCH4wYZXtWBYjmfy0V9ydjXnNunXfgxKixLeFNnONUXxEuqPLvM_xAuonQBXVN4nYrgJv8p8U6_ZlGMPjJq1szfcuBZnzI34LSEWx_nSof0XC5Czm8iG_ihG8naivNWS8h-Q-qKMP_3PPFsLSH4Egh03pH93EJUuNAeSO4RGfUX1wzMvrv1nBC1SM660uFMbq-wkplFBbKnHKMYe-qRs1-lZPG5PwPWJJdpGqOUzbnoMOJYmiq06OHHVQyJSkcEHLCk"
Obtain a new JWT token for a Profile.
If the account does not exist, an account is not created.
If any additional conditions are required for logging in, the response is HTTP200 and lists the conditions.
Note that using this endpoint requires authenticating as an anonymous Profile first.
This method does not require a Synerise authorization token.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
identityProvider required | string Enum: "SYNERISE" "FACEBOOK" "OAUTH" "APPLE" "GOOGLE" "UNKNOWN" The identity provider. |
identityProviderToken | string Third-party authentication token used to authenticate with the Identity Provider. Required if |
string Profile email. Required if | |
customId | any Profile customId. Required if |
password | string Profile password. Required if |
uuid | string Profile UUID. Required if |
deviceId | string Unique Android or iOS device ID |
object This object contains the marketing agreements of the Profile. You can also pass the values as strings ( | |
object This object contains custom attributes that can have any name (except for reserved attributes, see warning below) and data type, as required by your integration. The attribute names can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): String values:
If you want to send a date/time attribute for use in analytics, take the following into account:
WARNING: Some attributes are reserved and cannot be sent. If you send them, they are ignored. Click to expand the list of reserved attributesemail clientId phone customId uuid firstName lastName displayName company address city province zipCode countryCode birthDate sex avatarUrl anonymous agreements tags businessProfileId time ip source newsletter_agreement custom_identify firstname lastname created updated last_activity_date birthdate external_avatar_url displayname receive_smses receive_push_messages receive_webpush_messages receive_btooth_messages receive_rfid_messages receive_wifi_messages confirmation_hash ownerId zipCode anonymous_type country_id geo_loc_city geo_loc_country geo_loc_as geo_loc_country_code geo_loc_isp geo_loc_lat geo_loc_lon geo_loc_org geo_loc_query geo_loc_region geo_loc_region_name geo_loc_status geo_loc_timezone geo_loc_zip club_card_id type confirmed facebookId status
| |
tags | Array of strings Tags can be used to group profiles. Tag names (strings):
{- "apiKey": "string",
- "identityProvider": "SYNERISE",
- "identityProviderToken": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "customId": null,
- "password": "string",
- "uuid": "string",
- "deviceId": "string",
- "agreements": {
- "email": false,
- "sms": false,
- "push": false,
- "webPush": false,
- "bluetooth": false,
- "rfid": false,
- "wifi": false
}, - "attributes": {
- "property1": null,
- "property2": null
}, - "tags": [
- "string"
{- "conditions": [
- "string"
], - "status": "SUCCESS",
- "token": "string",
- "expiration": 1649283173,
- "created": 1649277173668,
- "origin": "SYNERISE",
- "customId": "card123",
- "realm": "client"
Obtain a new JWT for an anonymous Profile. The token can be used and refreshed in the same way as tokens of registered Profiles.
apiKey required | string Profile (formerly "Client") API key |
uuid required | string UUID of the Profile. It is a unique identifier. The value can't include any characters that match the pattern (ECMA flavor): |
deviceId | string Unique iOS or Android device identifier. |
{- "apiKey": "string",
- "uuid": "07243772-008a-42e1-ba37-c3807cebde8f",
- "deviceId": "string"
{- "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdinvalidwYmZkM2FkNDg2ZjQ3ZGRiMjE5MSIsImF1ZCI6IkFQSSIsInJsbSI6ImFub255bW91c19jbGllbnQiLCJjdGQiOjE1NTMwMDQxNTkxNTEsImVtbCI6IjYyMjM3NmY4LTAwMDAtMjIyMi1kN2Y5LTA3MGZhOTU2ZTk2M0Bhbm9ueW1vdXMuaW52YWxpZCIsImF1dGgiOiJINHNJQUFBQUFBQUFBSXVPQlFBcHUwd05BZ0FBQUE9PSIsImlzcyI6IlN5bmVyaXNlIiwiYnBpIjo0OCwiY2xJZCI6NDMzMjMwMjg4LCJleHAiOjE1NTMwMDcxNTksImFwayI6IjVBRUFBM0Q1LUUxNDctQzdFQi1ENTlFLUJDRjUwMTA5QTNEMSJ9.QOmSqrneR4mJFv4JdxTYsw_wGcDawDsVQuB-GVTcPPwijiP7lQ_Jzqq2Mypg1BS6WFlfGB8fzqCY9iMF_TdtjmoB4xBrY95ylU8L9qto-9Cw5x5TURkfxq31eryiHe2IteRAEtoVzYg2_s9QhlH6ANVcFOVp8dMno0V9bfMYfeSQa3FkjEbxFsseHkMOiADmp9-tOGtLXO942Ir-2W_Hz3Utlpt4erz0dVJBw8a-mFavPA8EEDWR7ACJNocrVHFkS3wFISh3LqLn6KkXiowaynKlJOEHGctuahzKmF3ZOJ1BvGgKohxF9OXvQs9IdmCfWhYsLr5Q2p04TJJ-MyvTipuggKVioh8mHmOFdfnN-Zused6tXzhZtKPUWTmM8cBKoAOBHExxcMQ8SVSjxnw_7_eLKm7S2wNpu0V-tiPZPCH4wYZXtWBYjmfy0V9ydjXnNunXfgxKixLeFNnONUXxEuqPLvM_xAuonQBXVN4nYrgJv8p8U6_ZlGMPjJq1szfcuBZnzI34LSEWx_nSof0XC5Czm8iG_ihG8naivNWS8h-Q-qKMP_3PPFsLSH4Egh03pH93EJUuNAeSO4RGfUX1wzMvrv1nBC1SM660uFMbq-wkplFBbKnHKMYe-qRs1-lZPG5PwPWJJdpGqOUzbnoMOJYmiq06OHHVQyJSkcEHLCk"
Retrieve the searches deleted from a profile's history.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_RECENT_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string Example: 4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272 ID of the index that the query relates to |
clientUUID required | string Example: clientUUID=e0097757-d1e2-44ac-ba3c-d97979a354c1 UUID of the profile for which the query is performed |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "query": "string",
- "match": "query",
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Delete a recent search from the history accessible to a profile. The search remains in the database and you can retrieve it by using this endpoint.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_RECENT_SEARCH_CREATE
indexId required | string Example: 4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272 ID of the index that the query relates to |
clientUUID required | string Example: clientUUID=e0097757-d1e2-44ac-ba3c-d97979a354c1 UUID of the profile for which the query is performed |
Request for deleting search query
query | string Deleted search query. Required if |
match | string Default: "query" Tells how to match this deleted search on recent searches.
timestamp | string <date-time> Time when the search was deleted. If not present current time is taken. |
{- "query": "string",
- "match": "query",
- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Get a profile's recent searches from a particular index.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Web SDK tracker
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_RECENT_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string Example: 4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272 ID of the index that the query relates to |
clientUUID required | string Example: clientUUID=e0097757-d1e2-44ac-ba3c-d97979a354c1 UUID of the profile for which the query is performed |
windowSize | integer >= 1 Default: 15 Maximum number of recent searches to be returned. |
timeUnit | string Default: "DAYS" Enum: "YEARS" "MONTHS" "WEEKS" "DAYS" "HOURS" "MINUTES" "SECONDS" The time unit. Used in conjunction with |
timeValue | integer >= 1 Default: 30 The amount of time units. Used in conjunction with |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- "string"
Retrieves items that match a full-text query from a search index or a suggestion index. The results can be filtered and sorted.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
query required | string Query text to use in the search |
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile for which the search is performed |
personalize | boolean Default: true If set to |
correlationId | string Correlation ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
searchId | string Deprecated DEPRECATED - use correlationId instead Search ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoint | string Example: sortByGeoPoint=34.052235,-118.243685 Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings Example: filterGeoPoints=34.052235,-118.243685&filterGeoPoints=15.0,65.0 The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Example: filterAroundRadius=5000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
displayAttributes | Array of strings Example: displayAttributes=title&displayAttributes=price List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
context | Array of strings Example: context=mobile&context=listing List of context strings for a search query |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 Example: limit=10 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
distinctFilter | string Example: distinctFilter={"attribute": "color", "maxNumItems": 3} DistinctFilter JSON as an URL-encoded string |
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers Example: excludeQueryRules=2&excludeQueryRules=5 List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | Array of strings Example: params=source:mobile List of extra params that will be added to the |
curl --request GET \ --url '¶ms=source%3Amobile' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string",
- "suggestions": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
], - "usedSuggestion": {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieves items that match a full-text query from a search index or a suggestion index. The results can be filtered and sorted.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
Request for performing full-text search
query required | string Query text to use in the search |
page | integer <int32> Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean When When
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile which creates the profile context |
personalize | boolean Default: true If set to |
correlationId | string
searchId | string Deprecated DEPRECATED - use correlationId instead Search ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoints | string Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
object A key-value map that takes attributes as keys and IQL query strings as values. For each key a facet is returned that includes only the items filtered by the provided IQL query string. | |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
context | Array of strings List of context strings for a search query |
displayAttributes | Array of strings List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
object Distinct filters regulate how many items with the same value of a particular attribute can be returned. | |
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
{- "query": "string",
- "page": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "sortBy": "string",
- "ordering": "desc",
- "includeMeta": true,
- "clientUUID": "68df2317-0edb-4cc9-8b39-5ab68325f891",
- "personalize": true,
- "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string",
- "sortByMetric": "TransactionsPopularity",
- "sortByGeoPoints": "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "filterGeoPoints": [
- "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "15.0,65.0"
], - "filterAroundRadius": 2000,
- "filters": "string",
- "facets": [
- "string"
], - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": "price > 100",
- "price": "brand == foo"
}, - "facetsSize": 2000,
- "maxValuesPerFacet": 50,
- "caseSensitiveFacetValues": false,
- "includeFacets": "all",
- "context": [
- "mobile",
- "listing"
], - "displayAttributes": [
- "title",
- "price"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 1,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "ignoreQueryRules": false,
- "excludeQueryRules": [
- 2,
- 5
], - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string",
- "suggestions": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
], - "usedSuggestion": {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieves items that match a query from a search index or a suggestion index. The results can be filtered and sorted. The results of this search type are not cached.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
query required | string Query text to use in the search |
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile for which the search is performed |
personalize | boolean Default: true If set to |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoint | string Example: sortByGeoPoint=34.052235,-118.243685 Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings Example: filterGeoPoints=34.052235,-118.243685&filterGeoPoints=15.0,65.0 The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Example: filterAroundRadius=5000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
displayAttributes | Array of strings Example: displayAttributes=title&displayAttributes=price List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
context | Array of strings Example: context=mobile&context=listing List of context strings for a search query |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 Example: limit=10 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
distinctFilter | string Example: distinctFilter={"attribute": "color", "maxNumItems": 3} DistinctFilter JSON as an URL-encoded string |
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers Example: excludeQueryRules=2&excludeQueryRules=5 List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | Array of strings Example: params=source:mobile List of extra params that will be added to the |
curl --request GET \ --url '¶ms=source%3Amobile' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string",
- "suggestions": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
], - "usedSuggestion": {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieves items that match a query from a search index or a suggestion index. The results can be filtered and sorted. The results of this search type are not cached.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
Request for performing an autocomplete search
query required | string Query text to use in the search |
page | integer <int32> Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean When When
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile which creates the profile context |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoints | string Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
object A key-value map that takes attributes as keys and IQL query strings as values. For each key a facet is returned that includes only the items filtered by the provided IQL query string. | |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
context | Array of strings List of context strings for a search query |
displayAttributes | Array of strings List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
object Distinct filters regulate how many items with the same value of a particular attribute can be returned. | |
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
{- "query": "string",
- "page": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "sortBy": "string",
- "ordering": "desc",
- "includeMeta": true,
- "clientUUID": "68df2317-0edb-4cc9-8b39-5ab68325f891",
- "sortByMetric": "TransactionsPopularity",
- "sortByGeoPoints": "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "filterGeoPoints": [
- "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "15.0,65.0"
], - "filterAroundRadius": 2000,
- "filters": "string",
- "facets": [
- "string"
], - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": "price > 100",
- "price": "brand == foo"
}, - "facetsSize": 2000,
- "maxValuesPerFacet": 50,
- "caseSensitiveFacetValues": false,
- "includeFacets": "all",
- "context": [
- "mobile",
- "listing"
], - "displayAttributes": [
- "title",
- "price"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 1,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "ignoreQueryRules": false,
- "excludeQueryRules": [
- 2,
- 5
], - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string",
- "suggestions": [
- {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
], - "usedSuggestion": {
- "text": "string",
- "highlighted": "string",
- "score": 1
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieves items that match an image. The results can be filtered and sorted.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
url required | string URL of the image to be used in the visual search |
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile for which the search is performed |
personalize | boolean Default: true If set to |
correlationId | string Correlation ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
searchId | string Deprecated DEPRECATED - use correlationId instead Search ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoint | string Example: sortByGeoPoint=34.052235,-118.243685 Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings Example: filterGeoPoints=34.052235,-118.243685&filterGeoPoints=15.0,65.0 The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Example: filterAroundRadius=5000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filterAnchor | string Example: filterAnchor=0.2,0.8 Anchor ( |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
displayAttributes | Array of strings Example: displayAttributes=title&displayAttributes=price List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
context | Array of strings Example: context=mobile&context=listing List of context strings for a search query |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 Example: limit=10 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers Example: excludeQueryRules=2&excludeQueryRules=5 List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | Array of strings Example: params=source:mobile List of extra params that will be added to the |
curl --request GET \ --url '¶ms=source%3Amobile' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieves items that match an image. The results can be filtered and sorted.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
Request for performing visual search
url required | string URL of the image to be used in the visual search |
page | integer <int32> Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean When When
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile which creates the profile context |
personalize | boolean Default: true If set to |
correlationId | string
searchId | string Deprecated DEPRECATED - use correlationId instead Search ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoints | string Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filterAnchor | string Anchor ( |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
object A key-value map that takes attributes as keys and IQL query strings as values. For each key a facet is returned that includes only the items filtered by the provided IQL query string. | |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
context | Array of strings List of context strings for a search query |
displayAttributes | Array of strings List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
{- "url": "string",
- "page": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "sortBy": "string",
- "ordering": "desc",
- "includeMeta": true,
- "clientUUID": "68df2317-0edb-4cc9-8b39-5ab68325f891",
- "personalize": true,
- "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string",
- "sortByMetric": "TransactionsPopularity",
- "sortByGeoPoints": "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "filterGeoPoints": [
- "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "15.0,65.0"
], - "filterAroundRadius": 2000,
- "filterAnchor": "0.2,0.8",
- "filters": "string",
- "facets": [
- "string"
], - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": "price > 100",
- "price": "brand == foo"
}, - "facetsSize": 2000,
- "maxValuesPerFacet": 50,
- "caseSensitiveFacetValues": false,
- "includeFacets": "all",
- "context": [
- "mobile",
- "listing"
], - "displayAttributes": [
- "title",
- "price"
], - "ignoreQueryRules": false,
- "excludeQueryRules": [
- 2,
- 5
], - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieves item listing, which is a search without a query. The results can be filtered and sorted.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile for which the search is performed |
personalize | boolean Default: true If set to |
correlationId | string Correlation ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
searchId | string Deprecated DEPRECATED - use correlationId instead Search ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoint | string Example: sortByGeoPoint=34.052235,-118.243685 Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings Example: filterGeoPoints=34.052235,-118.243685&filterGeoPoints=15.0,65.0 The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Example: filterAroundRadius=5000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
displayAttributes | Array of strings Example: displayAttributes=title&displayAttributes=price List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
context | Array of strings Example: context=mobile&context=listing List of context strings for a search query |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 Example: limit=10 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
distinctFilter | string Example: distinctFilter={"attribute": "color", "maxNumItems": 3} DistinctFilter JSON as an URL-encoded string |
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers Example: excludeQueryRules=2&excludeQueryRules=5 List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | Array of strings Example: params=source:mobile List of extra params that will be added to the |
curl --request GET \ --url '¶ms=source%3Amobile' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieves item listing, which is a search without a query. The results can be filtered and sorted.
API consumers who can use this method: AI API key (legacy), Web SDK tracker, Workspace (formerly Business Profile)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
Request for item listing
page | integer <int32> Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 500 ] Default: 20 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted. Sorting by attribute may cause a promoted item to be in a different position that defined in a query rule. |
ordering | string Default: "asc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean When When
clientUUID | string UUID of the profile which creates the profile context |
personalize | boolean Default: true If set to |
correlationId | string
searchId | string Deprecated DEPRECATED - use correlationId instead Search ID for pagination. If a search with the ID was performed recently (last 10 minutes), the cached results will be used. Do not send this if sortBy/filters/sorting order, etc. have changed - the cached results may have different order or may match different filters. |
sortByMetric | string Enum: "TransactionsPopularity" "PageVisitsPopularity" Name of the metric by which the data will be sorted |
sortByGeoPoints | string Geo-point ( |
filterGeoPoints | Array of strings The definition of a geographical area to filter by. Given one geo-point, the results will be limited to a radius around a point. To override the default radius (1000 meters), provide the Given two geo-points, the results will be limited to a rectangular area. The first point defines the upper-left corner of the rectangle and the second is the lower-right corner.
Example input: Given three or more geo-points, the results will be limited to a polygonal area.
Example input: |
filterAroundRadius | integer <int32> Default: 1000 Radius in meters to be used when filtering using geo-location. Can only be used when filtering by a single geo-point. |
filters | string IQL query string. For details, see the Help Center. |
facets | Array of strings A list of attributes for which facets will be returned. A single To determine which groups of facets should be returned, use the |
object A key-value map that takes attributes as keys and IQL query strings as values. For each key a facet is returned that includes only the items filtered by the provided IQL query string. | |
facetsSize | integer [ 1 .. 10000 ] Default: 2000 Determines how many items will be used for facets aggregation. |
maxValuesPerFacet | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 50 Determines how many values will be retrieved per facet. |
caseSensitiveFacetValues | boolean Default: false Specifies whether facets aggregation should be case sensitive. |
includeFacets | string Default: "filtered" Enum: "all" "filtered" "unfiltered" "none" Determines which groups of facets will be returned: both filtered and unfiltered; just filtered; just unfiltered; or no group at at all. To determine which attributes should be returned as facets in each group, use the |
context | Array of strings List of context strings for a search query |
displayAttributes | Array of strings List of ad hoc attributes that will be returned for each found item |
object Distinct filters regulate how many items with the same value of a particular attribute can be returned. | |
ignoreQueryRules | boolean Default: false If set to |
excludeQueryRules | Array of integers List of query rules that will not be applied. |
params | object Extra parameters that will be added to the |
{- "page": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "sortBy": "string",
- "ordering": "desc",
- "includeMeta": true,
- "clientUUID": "68df2317-0edb-4cc9-8b39-5ab68325f891",
- "personalize": true,
- "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string",
- "sortByMetric": "TransactionsPopularity",
- "sortByGeoPoints": "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "filterGeoPoints": [
- "34.052235,-118.243685",
- "15.0,65.0"
], - "filterAroundRadius": 2000,
- "filters": "string",
- "facets": [
- "string"
], - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": "price > 100",
- "price": "brand == foo"
}, - "facetsSize": 2000,
- "maxValuesPerFacet": 50,
- "caseSensitiveFacetValues": false,
- "includeFacets": "all",
- "context": [
- "mobile",
- "listing"
], - "displayAttributes": [
- "title",
- "price"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 1,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "ignoreQueryRules": false,
- "excludeQueryRules": [
- 2,
- 5
], - "params": {
- "source": "mobile"
{- "data": [
- {
- "itemName": "TV",
- "itemId": 87257843345,
- "_promotedByRules": [
- 475,
- 477
], - "extras": {
- "filteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "unfilteredResultFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "customFilteredFacets": {
- "brand": {
- "X-brand": 1,
- "Y-brand": 3
}, - "salePrice.value": {
- "max": 201.99,
- "min": 14.99
}, - "correlationId": "string",
- "searchId": "string"
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Retrieve a list of synonyms.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SYNONYMS_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> <= 1000 Default: 1000 Example: limit=100 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted |
ordering | string Default: "desc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "type": "oneway",
- "word": "string",
- "synonyms": [
- "string"
], - "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string"
], - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Creates a new synonym.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SYNONYMS_SEARCH_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
Request for creating new synonym
type | string Default: "oneway" Enum: "oneway" "synonyms" Type of the synonym.
word | string The phrase that the synonym relates to. If |
synonyms required | Array of strings A list of synonyms |
{- "type": "oneway",
- "word": "string",
- "synonyms": [
- "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "type": "oneway",
- "word": "string",
- "synonyms": [
- "string"
], - "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string"
Duplicate synonyms from source index to duplicate index at once.
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
Request for duplicating synonyms from one index to another
duplicateIndexId required | string ID of the target index |
{- "duplicateIndexId": "string"
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Insert multiple synonyms into an index at once.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SYNONYMS_SEARCH_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
The CSV has three columns:
: the phrase to replace with a synonymsynonyms
: the synonyms of the word (if more than one, the list is comma-separated and enclosed with ""
: the relation type:oneway
: when the word is searched, the results show the results as if the synonyms were searched. Searching for the synonyms does NOT return results for the word or the other synonyms.synonyms
: the word
column is empty, all phrases in synonym
return results for every other phrase in the list.word | string The phrase that the synonym relates to. If |
synonyms | Array of strings A list of synonyms |
type | string Default: "oneway" Enum: "oneway" "synonyms" Type of the synonym.
word,synonyms,type dog,"doggy,puppy",oneway small horse,pony,oneway ,"cat,kitten,kitty,tabby cat",synonyms
{- "attemptedInserts": 0,
- "actualInserts": 0,
- "errors": [
- "string"
Deletes all existing synonyms from an index and then inserts multiple new synonyms at once.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SYNONYMS_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
The CSV has three columns:
: the phrase to replace with a synonymsynonyms
: the synonyms of the word (if more than one, the list is comma-separated and enclosed with ""
: the relation type:oneway
: when the word is searched, the results show the results as if the synonyms were searched. Searching for the synonyms does NOT return results for the word or the other synonyms.synonyms
: the word
column is empty, all phrases in synonym
return results for every other phrase in the list.word | string The phrase that the synonym relates to. If |
synonyms | Array of strings A list of synonyms |
type | string Default: "oneway" Enum: "oneway" "synonyms" Type of the synonym.
word,synonyms,type dog,"doggy,puppy",oneway small horse,pony,oneway ,"cat,kitten,kitty,tabby cat",synonyms
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Retrieves a synonym.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SYNONYMS_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
synonymId required | integer Synonym identifier |
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "id": 0,
- "type": "oneway",
- "word": "string",
- "synonyms": [
- "string"
], - "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string"
Updates a synonym identified by id
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SYNONYMS_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
synonymId required | integer Synonym identifier |
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
Request for creating new synonym
type | string Default: "oneway" Enum: "oneway" "synonyms" Type of the synonym.
word | string The phrase that the synonym relates to. If |
synonyms required | Array of strings A list of synonyms |
{- "type": "oneway",
- "word": "string",
- "synonyms": [
- "string"
{- "id": 0,
- "type": "oneway",
- "word": "string",
- "synonyms": [
- "string"
], - "createdAt": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string"
Deletes a synonym with given id.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: SYNONYMS_SEARCH_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
synonymId required | integer Synonym identifier |
indexId required | string <uuid> Index identifier |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Retrieve the configurations of all indices.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> <= 1000 Default: 1000 Example: limit=100 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted |
ordering | string Default: "desc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
name | string Deprecated Deprecated parameter. If |
query | string If an index has an |
excludeAbTests | boolean Only indices not involved in currently running AB tests will be retrieved. |
directoryId | string <uuid> Requested directoryId of the rule. |
type | string Enum: "Keyword" "Hybrid" "Semantic" Requested type of the rule. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "ignoreUnavailableItems": true,
- "scoring": {
- "pageVisitsPopularity": 0,
- "transactionsPopularity": 0,
- "personalized": 0,
- "tieBreaker": 0,
- "matching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "fallbackMatching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "similarity": {
- "type": "BM25",
- "k1": 1.2,
- "b": 0.75
}, - "suggestions": {
- "smoothingModel": "Popularity",
- "gramSize": 3,
- "maxErrors": 2,
- "minWordLength": 4,
- "useAlways": false
}, - "tokenizer": {
- "type": "Whitespace"
}, - "analyzers": {
- "autocomplete": "Ngram"
}, - "attributesWithoutPrefixSearch": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "attributesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "itemId",
- "link"
], - "valuesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "Nike",
- "blue",
- "74997"
], - "typoToleranceOnNumericValues": true,
- "searchableAttributes": {
- "fullText": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextStronglyBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
}, - "displayableAttributes": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "facetableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "filterableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "sortableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "distinctFilterAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "recentSearches": {
- "windowSize": 100,
- "timeSpan": {
- "type": "DAYS",
- "value": 30
}, - "reranking": {
- "dynamicReranker": {
- "enabled": true,
- "filter": "string",
- "numberOfItems": 1
}, - "queryClassification": {
- "enabled": true,
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "staticFilter",
- "minReliabilityLevel": "certain"
], - "excludedPhrases": [
- "string"
], - "excludedCategories": [
- "string"
}, - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Creates a new configuration of a single index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
Request for posting search configuration
indexName required | string Human-friendly name of the index |
description | string Description of the index |
itemsCatalogId required | string ID of the item catalog from which the index will be created |
language required | string Search language as ISO 639-1 code |
enabled required | boolean When |
ignoreUnavailableItems | boolean Default: true When |
object Item scoring settings that affect the presentation order of the results.
| |
object Controls manner in which suggestions are generated | |
object or object or object Used for tokenizing full text into individual words | |
object Controls analyzer settings. | |
attributesWithoutPrefixSearch | Array of strings Searchable attributes which will not be used in a prefix search |
attributesWithoutTypoTolerance | Array of strings Searchable attributes for which typo tolerance is off |
valuesWithoutTypoTolerance | Array of strings Attributes values for which typo tolerance is off |
typoToleranceOnNumericValues | boolean Default: true When |
required | object The attributes that are taken into account as full text search terms |
displayableAttributes | Array of strings Attributes shown in the search results |
object Attributes for which facets are returned in the search response. By default, all facetable attributes are also filterable and sortable. | |
object Attributes for which filters can be used | |
object Attributes using which search results can be sorted | |
object Attributes for which distinct can be used | |
object Recent searches configuration | |
object Reranking configuration |
{- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "ignoreUnavailableItems": true,
- "scoring": {
- "pageVisitsPopularity": 0,
- "transactionsPopularity": 0,
- "personalized": 0,
- "tieBreaker": 0,
- "matching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "fallbackMatching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "similarity": {
- "type": "BM25",
- "k1": 1.2,
- "b": 0.75
}, - "suggestions": {
- "smoothingModel": "Popularity",
- "gramSize": 3,
- "maxErrors": 2,
- "minWordLength": 4,
- "useAlways": false
}, - "tokenizer": {
- "type": "Whitespace"
}, - "analyzers": {
- "autocomplete": "Ngram"
}, - "attributesWithoutPrefixSearch": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "attributesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "itemId",
- "link"
], - "valuesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "Nike",
- "blue",
- "74997"
], - "typoToleranceOnNumericValues": true,
- "searchableAttributes": {
- "fullText": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextStronglyBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
}, - "displayableAttributes": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "facetableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "filterableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "sortableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "distinctFilterAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "recentSearches": {
- "windowSize": 100,
- "timeSpan": {
- "type": "DAYS",
- "value": 30
}, - "reranking": {
- "dynamicReranker": {
- "enabled": true,
- "filter": "string",
- "numberOfItems": 1
}, - "queryClassification": {
- "enabled": true,
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "staticFilter",
- "minReliabilityLevel": "certain"
], - "excludedPhrases": [
- "string"
], - "excludedCategories": [
- "string"
{- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "ignoreUnavailableItems": true,
- "scoring": {
- "pageVisitsPopularity": 0,
- "transactionsPopularity": 0,
- "personalized": 0,
- "tieBreaker": 0,
- "matching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "fallbackMatching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "similarity": {
- "type": "BM25",
- "k1": 1.2,
- "b": 0.75
}, - "suggestions": {
- "smoothingModel": "Popularity",
- "gramSize": 3,
- "maxErrors": 2,
- "minWordLength": 4,
- "useAlways": false
}, - "tokenizer": {
- "type": "Whitespace"
}, - "analyzers": {
- "autocomplete": "Ngram"
}, - "attributesWithoutPrefixSearch": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "attributesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "itemId",
- "link"
], - "valuesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "Nike",
- "blue",
- "74997"
], - "typoToleranceOnNumericValues": true,
- "searchableAttributes": {
- "fullText": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextStronglyBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
}, - "displayableAttributes": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "facetableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "filterableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "sortableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "distinctFilterAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "recentSearches": {
- "windowSize": 100,
- "timeSpan": {
- "type": "DAYS",
- "value": 30
}, - "reranking": {
- "dynamicReranker": {
- "enabled": true,
- "filter": "string",
- "numberOfItems": 1
}, - "queryClassification": {
- "enabled": true,
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "staticFilter",
- "minReliabilityLevel": "certain"
], - "excludedPhrases": [
- "string"
], - "excludedCategories": [
- "string"
}, - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve the configuration of a single index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "ignoreUnavailableItems": true,
- "scoring": {
- "pageVisitsPopularity": 0,
- "transactionsPopularity": 0,
- "personalized": 0,
- "tieBreaker": 0,
- "matching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "fallbackMatching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "similarity": {
- "type": "BM25",
- "k1": 1.2,
- "b": 0.75
}, - "suggestions": {
- "smoothingModel": "Popularity",
- "gramSize": 3,
- "maxErrors": 2,
- "minWordLength": 4,
- "useAlways": false
}, - "tokenizer": {
- "type": "Whitespace"
}, - "analyzers": {
- "autocomplete": "Ngram"
}, - "attributesWithoutPrefixSearch": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "attributesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "itemId",
- "link"
], - "valuesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "Nike",
- "blue",
- "74997"
], - "typoToleranceOnNumericValues": true,
- "searchableAttributes": {
- "fullText": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextStronglyBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
}, - "displayableAttributes": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "facetableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "filterableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "sortableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "distinctFilterAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "recentSearches": {
- "windowSize": 100,
- "timeSpan": {
- "type": "DAYS",
- "value": 30
}, - "reranking": {
- "dynamicReranker": {
- "enabled": true,
- "filter": "string",
- "numberOfItems": 1
}, - "queryClassification": {
- "enabled": true,
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "staticFilter",
- "minReliabilityLevel": "certain"
], - "excludedPhrases": [
- "string"
], - "excludedCategories": [
- "string"
}, - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Update the configuration of a single index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
Request for posting search configuration
indexName required | string Human-friendly name of the index |
description | string Description of the index |
itemsCatalogId required | string ID of the item catalog from which the index will be created |
language required | string Search language as ISO 639-1 code |
enabled required | boolean When |
ignoreUnavailableItems | boolean Default: true When |
object Item scoring settings that affect the presentation order of the results.
| |
object Controls manner in which suggestions are generated | |
object or object or object Used for tokenizing full text into individual words | |
object Controls analyzer settings. | |
attributesWithoutPrefixSearch | Array of strings Searchable attributes which will not be used in a prefix search |
attributesWithoutTypoTolerance | Array of strings Searchable attributes for which typo tolerance is off |
valuesWithoutTypoTolerance | Array of strings Attributes values for which typo tolerance is off |
typoToleranceOnNumericValues | boolean Default: true When |
required | object The attributes that are taken into account as full text search terms |
displayableAttributes | Array of strings Attributes shown in the search results |
object Attributes for which facets are returned in the search response. By default, all facetable attributes are also filterable and sortable. | |
object Attributes for which filters can be used | |
object Attributes using which search results can be sorted | |
object Attributes for which distinct can be used | |
object Recent searches configuration | |
object Reranking configuration |
{- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "ignoreUnavailableItems": true,
- "scoring": {
- "pageVisitsPopularity": 0,
- "transactionsPopularity": 0,
- "personalized": 0,
- "tieBreaker": 0,
- "matching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "fallbackMatching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "similarity": {
- "type": "BM25",
- "k1": 1.2,
- "b": 0.75
}, - "suggestions": {
- "smoothingModel": "Popularity",
- "gramSize": 3,
- "maxErrors": 2,
- "minWordLength": 4,
- "useAlways": false
}, - "tokenizer": {
- "type": "Whitespace"
}, - "analyzers": {
- "autocomplete": "Ngram"
}, - "attributesWithoutPrefixSearch": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "attributesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "itemId",
- "link"
], - "valuesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "Nike",
- "blue",
- "74997"
], - "typoToleranceOnNumericValues": true,
- "searchableAttributes": {
- "fullText": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextStronglyBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
}, - "displayableAttributes": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "facetableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "filterableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "sortableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "distinctFilterAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "recentSearches": {
- "windowSize": 100,
- "timeSpan": {
- "type": "DAYS",
- "value": 30
}, - "reranking": {
- "dynamicReranker": {
- "enabled": true,
- "filter": "string",
- "numberOfItems": 1
}, - "queryClassification": {
- "enabled": true,
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "staticFilter",
- "minReliabilityLevel": "certain"
], - "excludedPhrases": [
- "string"
], - "excludedCategories": [
- "string"
{- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "ignoreUnavailableItems": true,
- "scoring": {
- "pageVisitsPopularity": 0,
- "transactionsPopularity": 0,
- "personalized": 0,
- "tieBreaker": 0,
- "matching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "fallbackMatching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "similarity": {
- "type": "BM25",
- "k1": 1.2,
- "b": 0.75
}, - "suggestions": {
- "smoothingModel": "Popularity",
- "gramSize": 3,
- "maxErrors": 2,
- "minWordLength": 4,
- "useAlways": false
}, - "tokenizer": {
- "type": "Whitespace"
}, - "analyzers": {
- "autocomplete": "Ngram"
}, - "attributesWithoutPrefixSearch": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "attributesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "itemId",
- "link"
], - "valuesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "Nike",
- "blue",
- "74997"
], - "typoToleranceOnNumericValues": true,
- "searchableAttributes": {
- "fullText": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextStronglyBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
}, - "displayableAttributes": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "facetableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "filterableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "sortableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "distinctFilterAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "recentSearches": {
- "windowSize": 100,
- "timeSpan": {
- "type": "DAYS",
- "value": 30
}, - "reranking": {
- "dynamicReranker": {
- "enabled": true,
- "filter": "string",
- "numberOfItems": 1
}, - "queryClassification": {
- "enabled": true,
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "staticFilter",
- "minReliabilityLevel": "certain"
], - "excludedPhrases": [
- "string"
], - "excludedCategories": [
- "string"
}, - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Delete the configuration of a single index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Retrieve the state of a single index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "indexId": "string",
- "state": "NotReady",
- "lastConfigChange": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "errorReason": "string",
- "log": "string"
Retrieve supported languages.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "pl": "Polish",
- "ro": "Romanian",
- "ru": "Russian"
duplicate index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "language": "string",
- "enabled": true,
- "ignoreUnavailableItems": true,
- "scoring": {
- "pageVisitsPopularity": 0,
- "transactionsPopularity": 0,
- "personalized": 0,
- "tieBreaker": 0,
- "matching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "fallbackMatching": {
- "type": "MinimumMatching",
- "value": 1
}, - "similarity": {
- "type": "BM25",
- "k1": 1.2,
- "b": 0.75
}, - "suggestions": {
- "smoothingModel": "Popularity",
- "gramSize": 3,
- "maxErrors": 2,
- "minWordLength": 4,
- "useAlways": false
}, - "tokenizer": {
- "type": "Whitespace"
}, - "analyzers": {
- "autocomplete": "Ngram"
}, - "attributesWithoutPrefixSearch": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "attributesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "itemId",
- "link"
], - "valuesWithoutTypoTolerance": [
- "Nike",
- "blue",
- "74997"
], - "typoToleranceOnNumericValues": true,
- "searchableAttributes": {
- "fullText": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "fullTextStronglyBoosted": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
}, - "displayableAttributes": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "facetableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "filterableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "sortableAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "distinctFilterAttributes": {
- "range": [
- "age",
- "customScore.value",
- "salePrice.value"
], - "text": [
- "brand",
- "color",
- "promotion.type"
], - "datetime": [
- "created",
- "attributes.modifiedAt"
}, - "recentSearches": {
- "windowSize": 100,
- "timeSpan": {
- "type": "DAYS",
- "value": 30
}, - "reranking": {
- "dynamicReranker": {
- "enabled": true,
- "filter": "string",
- "numberOfItems": 1
}, - "queryClassification": {
- "enabled": true,
- "actions": [
- {
- "action": "staticFilter",
- "minReliabilityLevel": "certain"
], - "excludedPhrases": [
- "string"
], - "excludedCategories": [
- "string"
}, - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve values of filterable attributes.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index to be used in the search operation |
attribute required | Array of strings List of attributes for which values will be fetched |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "brand": [
- "foo",
- "bar"
], - "color": [
- "red",
- "green",
- "blue"
Retrieve a list of all suggestion index configurations in the workspace.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> <= 1000 Default: 1000 Example: limit=100 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted |
ordering | string Default: "desc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
name | string Deprecated Deprecated parameter. If |
query | string If an index has an |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "enabled": true,
- "sources": {
- "indices": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "minPopularity": 5,
- "minHits": 1,
- "minLetters": 2,
- "daysInterval": 30,
- "validate": false
], - "external": [
- {
- "query": "string",
- "count": 0
], - "generate": [
- {
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "attributes": [
- "string"
}, - "denylist": [
- {
- "pattern": "string",
- "matchingType": "Phrase"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Create a suggestion index configuration.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexName required | string Name of the suggestion index |
description | string Description of the suggestion index |
author | integer ID of the user who created the suggestion index |
enabled required | boolean When |
required | object Sources for the suggestions |
Array of objects Suggestions that will be ignored and not shown |
{- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "enabled": true,
- "sources": {
- "indices": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "minPopularity": 5,
- "minHits": 1,
- "minLetters": 2,
- "daysInterval": 30,
- "validate": false
], - "external": [
- {
- "query": "string",
- "count": 0
], - "generate": [
- {
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "attributes": [
- "string"
}, - "denylist": [
- {
- "pattern": "string",
- "matchingType": "Phrase"
{- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "enabled": true,
- "sources": {
- "indices": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "minPopularity": 5,
- "minHits": 1,
- "minLetters": 2,
- "daysInterval": 30,
- "validate": false
], - "external": [
- {
- "query": "string",
- "count": 0
], - "generate": [
- {
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "attributes": [
- "string"
}, - "denylist": [
- {
- "pattern": "string",
- "matchingType": "Phrase"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Retrieve a suggestion index configuration.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "enabled": true,
- "sources": {
- "indices": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "minPopularity": 5,
- "minHits": 1,
- "minLetters": 2,
- "daysInterval": 30,
- "validate": false
], - "external": [
- {
- "query": "string",
- "count": 0
], - "generate": [
- {
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "attributes": [
- "string"
}, - "denylist": [
- {
- "pattern": "string",
- "matchingType": "Phrase"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Create a suggestion index configuration or replace an existing one, given the index ID.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
indexName required | string Name of the suggestion index |
description | string Description of the suggestion index |
author | integer ID of the user who created the suggestion index |
enabled required | boolean When |
required | object Sources for the suggestions |
Array of objects Suggestions that will be ignored and not shown |
{- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "enabled": true,
- "sources": {
- "indices": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "minPopularity": 5,
- "minHits": 1,
- "minLetters": 2,
- "daysInterval": 30,
- "validate": false
], - "external": [
- {
- "query": "string",
- "count": 0
], - "generate": [
- {
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "attributes": [
- "string"
}, - "denylist": [
- {
- "pattern": "string",
- "matchingType": "Phrase"
{- "indexId": "string",
- "indexName": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "enabled": true,
- "sources": {
- "indices": [
- {
- "indexId": "string",
- "minPopularity": 5,
- "minHits": 1,
- "minLetters": 2,
- "daysInterval": 30,
- "validate": false
], - "external": [
- {
- "query": "string",
- "count": 0
], - "generate": [
- {
- "itemsCatalogId": "string",
- "attributes": [
- "string"
}, - "denylist": [
- {
- "pattern": "string",
- "matchingType": "Phrase"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Delete a suggestion index configuration.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Retrieve the state of a single suggestion index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: ITEMS_SEARCH_CONFIG_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "indexId": "string",
- "state": "NotReady",
- "lastConfigChange": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "errorReason": "string",
- "log": "string"
Retrieves a list of rules.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
status | string Enum: "finished" "draft" "paused" "scheduled" "active" Only rules with this status will be retrieved. |
name | string Only rules containing this name will be retrieved. |
page | integer <int32> Default: 1 Example: page=4 Page number to return for pagination. The first page has the index |
limit | integer <int32> <= 1000 Default: 1000 Example: limit=100 The number of items to return per page |
sortBy | string Name of the attribute by which the data will be sorted |
ordering | string Default: "desc" Enum: "desc" "asc" Sorting order |
includeMeta | boolean Default: false When When
directoryId | string <uuid> Requested directoryId of the rule. |
search | string Requested part of the name or the id of the rule. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "data": [
- {
- "status": "string",
- "rule": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "state": "draft",
- "activeFrom": "string",
- "activeTo": "string",
- "timezone": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "data": {
- "audience": {
- "segmentationIds": [
- "34ab56cd-789be-22ee-11ab-123456789abc",
- "12xy34z5-456b-33cc-7o52-987654321ece"
}, - "conditions": {
- "patterns": [
- "phone",
- "notebook",
- "mouse {color} {brand}"
], - "matchingType": "is",
- "contexts": [
- "listing",
- "web",
- "mobile"
], - "filters": {
- "textFilters": {
- "color": {
- "values": [
- "green",
- "red"
], - "matchingType": "InUserFilters"
}, - "rangeFilters": {
- "price": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": 20,
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "datetimeFilters": {
- "created": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": "2024-01-01",
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "queryConsequences": [
- {
- "type": "removeWord",
- "word": "string",
- "replacement": "string"
], - "postQueryConsequences": {
- "hideHits": [
- "string"
], - "promoteHits": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "position": 0
], - "standardFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "elasticFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "boostFilters": [
- {
- "weight": -100,
- "filters": {
- "textFilters": [
- { }
], - "rangeFilters": [
- { }
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- { }
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "sortBy": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "ordering": "desc"
}, - "customData": "{\"customLandingPage\": \"\"}",
- "returnNoData": false
], - "extras": {
- "statuses": {
- "Finished": 0,
- "Draft": 0,
- "Paused": 0,
- "Scheduled": 0,
- "Active": 0
}, - "meta": {
- "pagination": {
- "limit": 0,
- "page": 0,
- "pages": 0,
- "total": 0
Creates a new rule.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
Request for posting a new rule or updating an existing one
name | string Name of the rule |
author | integer The user who created the rule |
activeFrom | string Time when the rules becomes active, in YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS format |
activeTo | string Time when the rule becomes inactive, in YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS format |
timezone | string Timezone in |
object This object contains the details of what the rule does |
{- "name": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "activeFrom": "string",
- "activeTo": "string",
- "timezone": "string",
- "data": {
- "audience": {
- "segmentationIds": [
- "34ab56cd-789be-22ee-11ab-123456789abc",
- "12xy34z5-456b-33cc-7o52-987654321ece"
}, - "conditions": {
- "patterns": [
- "phone",
- "notebook",
- "mouse {color} {brand}"
], - "matchingType": "is",
- "contexts": [
- "listing",
- "web",
- "mobile"
], - "filters": {
- "textFilters": {
- "color": {
- "values": [
- "green",
- "red"
], - "matchingType": "InUserFilters"
}, - "rangeFilters": {
- "price": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": 20,
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "datetimeFilters": {
- "created": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": "2024-01-01",
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "queryConsequences": [
- {
- "type": "removeWord",
- "word": "string",
- "replacement": "string"
], - "postQueryConsequences": {
- "hideHits": [
- "string"
], - "promoteHits": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "position": 0
], - "standardFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "elasticFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "boostFilters": [
- {
- "weight": -100,
- "filters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "sortBy": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "ordering": "desc"
}, - "customData": "{\"customLandingPage\": \"\"}",
- "returnNoData": false
{- "status": "string",
- "rule": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "state": "draft",
- "activeFrom": "string",
- "activeTo": "string",
- "timezone": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "data": {
- "audience": {
- "segmentationIds": [
- "34ab56cd-789be-22ee-11ab-123456789abc",
- "12xy34z5-456b-33cc-7o52-987654321ece"
}, - "conditions": {
- "patterns": [
- "phone",
- "notebook",
- "mouse {color} {brand}"
], - "matchingType": "is",
- "contexts": [
- "listing",
- "web",
- "mobile"
], - "filters": {
- "textFilters": {
- "color": {
- "values": [
- "green",
- "red"
], - "matchingType": "InUserFilters"
}, - "rangeFilters": {
- "price": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": 20,
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "datetimeFilters": {
- "created": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": "2024-01-01",
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "queryConsequences": [
- {
- "type": "removeWord",
- "word": "string",
- "replacement": "string"
], - "postQueryConsequences": {
- "hideHits": [
- "string"
], - "promoteHits": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "position": 0
], - "standardFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "elasticFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "boostFilters": [
- {
- "weight": -100,
- "filters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "sortBy": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "ordering": "desc"
}, - "customData": "{\"customLandingPage\": \"\"}",
- "returnNoData": false
Duplicate list of rules
indexId required | string ID of the index |
Request for duplicating rules from one index to another
duplicateIndexId required | string ID of the index |
{- "duplicateIndexId": "string"
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Retrieves a rule.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_CREATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
ruleId required | integer Rule identifier |
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "status": "string",
- "rule": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "state": "draft",
- "activeFrom": "string",
- "activeTo": "string",
- "timezone": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "data": {
- "audience": {
- "segmentationIds": [
- "34ab56cd-789be-22ee-11ab-123456789abc",
- "12xy34z5-456b-33cc-7o52-987654321ece"
}, - "conditions": {
- "patterns": [
- "phone",
- "notebook",
- "mouse {color} {brand}"
], - "matchingType": "is",
- "contexts": [
- "listing",
- "web",
- "mobile"
], - "filters": {
- "textFilters": {
- "color": {
- "values": [
- "green",
- "red"
], - "matchingType": "InUserFilters"
}, - "rangeFilters": {
- "price": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": 20,
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "datetimeFilters": {
- "created": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": "2024-01-01",
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "queryConsequences": [
- {
- "type": "removeWord",
- "word": "string",
- "replacement": "string"
], - "postQueryConsequences": {
- "hideHits": [
- "string"
], - "promoteHits": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "position": 0
], - "standardFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "elasticFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "boostFilters": [
- {
- "weight": -100,
- "filters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "sortBy": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "ordering": "desc"
}, - "customData": "{\"customLandingPage\": \"\"}",
- "returnNoData": false
Updates a rule identified by id
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
ruleId required | integer Rule identifier |
Request for posting a new rule or updating an existing one
name | string Name of the rule |
author | integer The user who created the rule |
activeFrom | string Time when the rules becomes active, in YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS format |
activeTo | string Time when the rule becomes inactive, in YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS format |
timezone | string Timezone in |
object This object contains the details of what the rule does |
{- "name": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "activeFrom": "string",
- "activeTo": "string",
- "timezone": "string",
- "data": {
- "audience": {
- "segmentationIds": [
- "34ab56cd-789be-22ee-11ab-123456789abc",
- "12xy34z5-456b-33cc-7o52-987654321ece"
}, - "conditions": {
- "patterns": [
- "phone",
- "notebook",
- "mouse {color} {brand}"
], - "matchingType": "is",
- "contexts": [
- "listing",
- "web",
- "mobile"
], - "filters": {
- "textFilters": {
- "color": {
- "values": [
- "green",
- "red"
], - "matchingType": "InUserFilters"
}, - "rangeFilters": {
- "price": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": 20,
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "datetimeFilters": {
- "created": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": "2024-01-01",
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "queryConsequences": [
- {
- "type": "removeWord",
- "word": "string",
- "replacement": "string"
], - "postQueryConsequences": {
- "hideHits": [
- "string"
], - "promoteHits": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "position": 0
], - "standardFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "elasticFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "boostFilters": [
- {
- "weight": -100,
- "filters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "sortBy": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "ordering": "desc"
}, - "customData": "{\"customLandingPage\": \"\"}",
- "returnNoData": false
{- "status": "string",
- "rule": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "author": 0,
- "state": "draft",
- "activeFrom": "string",
- "activeTo": "string",
- "timezone": "string",
- "updatedAt": "string",
- "createdAt": "string",
- "data": {
- "audience": {
- "segmentationIds": [
- "34ab56cd-789be-22ee-11ab-123456789abc",
- "12xy34z5-456b-33cc-7o52-987654321ece"
}, - "conditions": {
- "patterns": [
- "phone",
- "notebook",
- "mouse {color} {brand}"
], - "matchingType": "is",
- "contexts": [
- "listing",
- "web",
- "mobile"
], - "filters": {
- "textFilters": {
- "color": {
- "values": [
- "green",
- "red"
], - "matchingType": "InUserFilters"
}, - "rangeFilters": {
- "price": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": 20,
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "datetimeFilters": {
- "created": {
- "ranges": [
- {
- "rightEnd": {
- "value": "2024-01-01",
- "inclusive": true
], - "matchingType": "Exact"
}, - "queryConsequences": [
- {
- "type": "removeWord",
- "word": "string",
- "replacement": "string"
], - "postQueryConsequences": {
- "hideHits": [
- "string"
], - "promoteHits": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "position": 0
], - "standardFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "elasticFilters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
}, - "boostFilters": [
- {
- "weight": -100,
- "filters": {
- "textFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "brand",
- "mode": "include",
- "values": [
- "A-Brand",
- "B-Brand",
- "{brand}"
], - "rangeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "price",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{price}"
], - "datetimeFilters": [
- {
- "attribute": "created",
- "operator": "gt",
- "value": "{created}"
], - "distinctFilter": {
- "elastic": true,
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "maxNumItems": 0,
- "levelRangeModifier": 0
}, - "sortBy": {
- "attribute": "string",
- "ordering": "desc"
}, - "customData": "{\"customLandingPage\": \"\"}",
- "returnNoData": false
Deletes a rule identified by id
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_DELETE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
ruleId required | integer Rule identifier |
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Activates a rule identified by id
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
ruleId required | integer Rule identifier |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Pauses a rule identified by id
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
ruleId required | integer Rule identifier |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Marks a rule as draft.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
ruleId required | integer Rule identifier |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Marks a rule as finished. The rule becomes inactive and can never be activated again.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: QUERY_RULES_SEARCH_UPDATE
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string ID of the index |
ruleId required | integer Rule identifier |
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": 0,
- "error": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "path": "string"
Retrieves the statistics of all queries or a single query defined in the request.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: AI_STATS_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string Example: 4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272 ID of the index for which the stats are requested |
dateFrom | string <date> Upper bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
dateTo | string <date> Lower bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
query | string Query for which stats will be returned. If not provided, the results are returned for the most popular queries. |
searchType | string Default: "all" Enum: "fullTextSearch" "autocomplete" "listing" "visual" "all" Search type for which stats will be retrieved. |
groupBy | string Value: "date" Attribute for which retrieved stats will be grouped. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
{- "averageClickPosition": 0.1,
- "averageOrderValue": 0.1,
- "clickThroughRate": 0.1,
- "conversionRate": 0.1,
- "conversions": 0,
- "noResultsCount": 0,
- "revenue": 0.1,
- "totalClicks": 0,
- "totalCount": 0,
- "totalSuggestionsUsed": 0
Retrieves the 1000 most popular queries.
IMPORTANT: Don't use this endpoint for displaying most popular queries to end users when they're searching. Instead, use search/v2/indices/{indexId}/list
, where indexId
is a suggestion index.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User, AI API key (legacy)
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: AI_STATS_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string Example: 4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272 ID of the index for which the stats are requested |
dateFrom | string <date> Upper bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
dateTo | string <date> Lower bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
query | string Query for which stats will be returned. If not provided, the results are returned for the most popular queries. |
searchType | string Default: "all" Enum: "fullTextSearch" "autocomplete" "listing" "visual" "all" Search type for which stats will be retrieved. |
queryFilter | string Default: "queries" Enum: "queries" "queriesWithNoResults" "queriesWithUsedSuggestions" Queries for which stats will be retrieved. |
groupBy | string Value: "date" Attribute for which retrieved stats will be grouped. |
withFilters | string Enum: "true" "false" Switch to display search statistics with enabled filters or without filters. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "query": "string",
- "count": 0
Retrieves the statistics of filters used in searches.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: AI_STATS_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string Example: 4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272 ID of the index for which the stats are requested |
filterName | string Example: filterName=brand Name of the filterable attribute. If present top values of this filter are returned. |
dateFrom | string <date> Upper bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
dateTo | string <date> Lower bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
groupBy | string Value: "date" Attribute for which retrieved stats will be grouped. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "filterName": "string",
- "count": 0
Retrieves the statistics of applied rules.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: AI_STATS_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | string Example: 4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272 ID of the index for which the stats are requested |
dateFrom | string <date> Upper bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
dateTo | string <date> Lower bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
groupBy | string Value: "date" Attribute for which retrieved stats will be grouped. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "ruleId": 0,
- "count": 0
Retrieves the statistics of all queries or a single query defined in the request for multiple indices.
API consumers who can use this method: Workspace (formerly Business Profile), Synerise User
API key Permissions are assigned to API keys (for Profile and Workspace scopes) and dictate which operations are available when using a particular API key. In the application, you can manage those permissions in Settings > API Keys. Remember that Profile and Workspace API keys are separate entities.permission required: AI_STATS_READ
User permissions are grouped and assigned to user roles. For each group, you can set separate permissions for the following operations: read, execute, create, edit, delete. In the application, they are available in Settings > Roles. To edit a role's permissions, hover over the role and click the "Permissions" button.User role permission group which allows access to this method: ASSETS_SEARCH
indexId required | Array of strings List of indices ids for which the stats are requested. |
dateFrom | string <date> Upper bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
dateTo | string <date> Lower bound of the interval for which the statistics will be retrieved. If not specified, the interval is last 7 days. |
query | string Query for which stats will be returned. If not provided, the results are returned for the most popular queries. |
searchType | string Default: "all" Enum: "fullTextSearch" "autocomplete" "listing" "visual" "all" Search type for which stats will be retrieved. |
groupBy | string Value: "date" Attribute for which retrieved stats will be grouped. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer REPLACE_BEARER_TOKEN'
[- {
- "indexId": "4add1a1fa877c1651906bb22c9dfd37a1618852272",
- "stats": {
- "averageClickPosition": 0.1,
- "averageOrderValue": 0.1,
- "clickThroughRate": 0.1,
- "conversionRate": 0.1,
- "conversions": 0,
- "noResultsCount": 0,
- "revenue": 0.1,
- "totalClicks": 0,
- "totalCount": 0,
- "totalSuggestionsUsed": 0